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Dear Maia,

I often look back and think of the little girl I used to be.

At the age of eleven, I was exposed to more terror than most people ever experience in their lifetime. I watched my friends die, my family drown in sorrow, and I thought I had lost everything I ever had. If it weren't for my Aunt Iris, I might have never made it out of New World.

It wasn't that New World was awful, I can never repay you and Amy for the kindness you extended to me. But it wasn't my home, and home is where I belong.

When I returned home, the battle wasn't over yet. Iris had to land the hovercraft in the forest between Districts One and Two, and it was difficult to stay hidden while we travelled on foot. When we were on the outskirts of town, Iris had to dye mine and Tristan's hair and dress us in new clothes with supplies she brought from the Capitol so we wouldn't be recognized. Only my immediate family could know I was back if I was to remain safe.

It was hard to see my old friends and not be able to run up and give them a hug without them being confused. To them, I was only an orphan girl, sent to live with Cable's family after both of my parent's died in a tragic mining accident in District Twelve. Suspicious? Definitely. If anyone bothered to think hard enough about the situation, or look at me closely enough, they would figure it out for sure.

However, no one could bother themselves with the affairs of the Deen family, and they allowed me to live peacefully in my District.

Well, almost peacefully.

I wasn't stupid enough to believe that we had the Capitol fooled. The Capitol knows everything-President Dellya knows everything. I was sure they were just waiting for the right time to strike. My greatest fear was that the time for revenge wouldn't come within my lifetime, and my children would be forced to take the blame.

But I force these thoughts to the back of my mind, and appreciate every day. I'll never forget the day I arrived at my mom's door after so many days apart. She recognized me immediately, despite my now-blonde hair.

And then there's Tristan, who had to disguise himself as well. Iris actually shaved off all of his hair, and boy, does that make a difference! I barely recognized him, which I suppose is a good thing. Anyways, his wife had to be in on his story, pretending that he was her new boyfriend since her 'other husband passed away'. It's complicated, but they're together, and that's all that matters.

Cable and I are still as close as can be. We hang out all the time, and take advantage of every moment together.

He is not safe. Neither am I.

Since I am not a victor, my name and Cable's still go in the Reaping pot every year. I try not to think about it, but I could go back into the arena at any time, and the Capitol would never let me escape alive again. They would take revenge on Cable too.

I am now 16, and only two years away from being free of the Games for good. This year is the 205th Hunger Games, and the next Quarter Quell won't be for another twenty years. I'm safe, but will my children be safe? What about their children? The Capitol waited over 100 years to seek revenge on my ancestors, so I have no idea when my actions will be used against my family.

Tristan is probably more concerned than me. He already has kids, whereas I don't know if I'll ever even get married. I don't see the point; my husband would only be another person the Capitol could take away from me.

Emilia. I still think about her, and Riyla and Tale and everyone else from the Games. Their sacrifices were immeasurable, and I wonder everyday why I was able to escape and not them. I miss them, but I see Emilia in my dreams almost every night...

It makes me angry, when I think of them, because I know that Caleb is probably reclining in his fancy Victor's house in District Two. He was rewarded for killing people! He is respected and looked up to by the rest of his District for being a murderer. It's not that I'm jealous, although I'm sure his life is much easier than mine, it's that... I don't think what he did was right, that's all.

I'm disappointed that I wasn't able to end the Games, or at least start a Rebellion like the one my ancestors supported so many years ago. Although, I have learned that there is a place outside of Panem, a place where the Hunger Games doesn't exist.

A place called New World.

I made a promise to you; I said I'd see you again. I intend to keep that promise.

As soon as the opportunity presents itself, I'm going to call up Aunt Iris (who now safely resides permanently in New World) and have her bring my family and I to New World again. We can hide in the cellar when President Dellya comes to visit, it's not like I've never done it before!

My mom and dad ask me about the Games sometimes. It's hard for me to talk about because it's not something I want to remember. But when I feel sad about it, or have nightmares, I know I have Tristan to talk to. It's a great feeling because he knows exactly what I went through; he lived through it also. I know we will always stay close, even if we have different names and hair than we used to.

So, I hope all is well with you, and Aunt Iris manages to deliver this letter to you safely. Hopefully I'll see you soon.

Much love, and all the best;


*sigh* my first ever completed fan fiction has come to an end! This is one of those bittersweet moments. . . I am proud of what I have accomplished but so sad to see it end!

Thank you all for joining me on this amazing journey, which still continues!

Although my focus has currently been on my new novel (original, this one is NOT a fan fiction) I am still working on the prequel for this book and I am hoping to post it within the next two weeks. Please follow me so you can be updated when I post it!

I hope you all enjoyed this epilogue chapter, please comment below your thoughts on this chapter. I hope you loved reading this story as much as I loved writing it!

All the best,

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