Chapter 6: Interviews

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I want to dedicate this chapter to my sister, a.k.a. searsmist here on Wattpad! She has helped me tremendously with this story, from being my editor/fangirl to giving me fantastic suggestions. Now, she is actually working on her own story titled: 'The Chosen Ones' and I made the cover for it so check it out! I'm pretty sure the first chapter is up.

"Oh, Celia!" Blooming exclaimed in her squeaky voice when I returned to the living area of our floor in the tribute building.

"How do you think it went?" "Pretty good!" I perched on the couch, grateful that my evaluation was over. For now, my frantically beating heart would have a few moments to calm down before panic would take over again during the score announcements.

"Excellent!" Tally cheered as she entered the room. "Well, you have a little while to wait for the scores, since District One had to go first."

"How do you think you did, Tristan?" I turned to him. He was relaxing peacefully on the couch next to me, so I assumed he must be confident in his work.

"Celia!" Blooming gasped, "You aren't supposed to discuss what occurs during private assessment."

Tristan rolled his eyes at Blooming's words and answered me anyway, "Not bad. I showed them what I learned at the camouflage station, and then did some combat."

"I did some ropes stuff, some combat and some archery," I informed him, ignoring Blooming's glare of disapproval.

"I'm glad everything went well," Tally butted in. "But you won't have much time to relax. Tomorrow, it's Interview day, and we'll have to do some practicing for that."

"But first, the training scores!" Grim reminded, checking his watch and flicking on the TV. We waited anxiously through the introduction, and then my butterflies returned as the scores began.

"From District 1, Tristan Billard with an 8," The announcer read.

"Ohhhh!" Blooming squealed with happiness and Tristan nodded satisfied. The highest mark possible was a 12, so an eight was a very good all-around score. For a District One Career, however, it was expected.

Despite an 8 being a fairly average score for someone from our District, I was excited for Tristan. The last time he had former training was over 20 years ago, and I didn't think it was fair to expect him to come out with the same sort of score an 18 year old would.

My moment of happiness passed quickly when I realized the next score to be shown would be mine.

"Also from District One, Celia Deen with a 7." My picture filled the screen, with a Number 7 displayed next to it.

"Celia!" Tally gasped in shock. "That's amazing!" Grim and Blooming nodded, unable to speak.

My heart swelled with pride. It might not be a score many tributes would be overly impressed with, but personally I was overjoyed. Although the Gamemakers had seemed pleased with my performance, I hadn't wanted to get my hopes up.

"The youngest tribute ever, with a score like that..." Tristan shook his head in disbelief.

His words struck a nerve with me. Most people considered 14 year olds too young to enter the Games, and most tributes under that age died in the blood bath, not even making it past the first day. I was 11, not even a teenager. My training score might have been higher than expected, but that really didn't mean anything. Just because I had a number 7 next to my name didn't mean that the other tributes would hesitate before ripping my throat out. My hand flew to my neck just at the thought.

The scores continued, filling the screen. The highest score was an 11, given to Caleb from District 2. Unfortunately, he was our biggest competition. Well, him and the rest of the Career pack, who all scored well.

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