Chapter 16: Confusion

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"Wha-what do you mean?" I asked, confused. "Isn't this one of the districts?"

The people of Panem don't travel between the districts much. I had rarely been outside of District One before the Games, and I'm sure Tristan hadn't seen much more of the world than I had. Was I the only one who assumed that with the cheerful houses and green grass was just one of the many districts I hadn't seen before?

"Districts?" Maia asked, seeming equally confused. "No, I don't know what you are talking about."


I didn't have time to finish my sentence before Tristan appeared in Maia's doorway. "Celia! You're awake."

"Yeah, hi Tristan," I smiled as I got off Maia's bed and gave him a hug.

"Are you ready to come downstairs? I think Amy wants to talk with you," He asked. I looked up at him, happy to see that he appeared to have had a shower and no longer wore his eye patch. He looked like he did before the Games... happy, healthy... well, minus the slight puffiness and bruising around his injured eye. Nevertheless, it was a great to see him like this.

I waved goodbye to Maia and followed Tristan out of the room. "How are you feeling?" he asked me, with a wink. Picking up on the fact that my act didn't end when I woke up, I put on a brave smile and answered, "Much better, that rest really did me well. Although I'm still very hungry." My stomach growled, proving that all I said was true.

"I think I can help with that," Amy came out of what I assumed was the kitchen, carrying a bowl of fruit. My mouth watered at the sight as I jumped off the last step. "Come into the living room, dear, where you can eat and...explain some things," she continued and led the way into another room.

Tristan and I followed her, and I took a seat on one of the two small couches. Tristan sat beside me, and Amy sat in the armchair closest to the wood-burning fireplace. The only other pieces of furniture were a wooden coffee table that was placed a bit too close to the fireplace for my liking, and a slim television that was hung up on the wall. Amy passed the fruit bowl over to Tristan and I, and I placed it on the table while popping some grapes into my mouth eagerly.

"So," Amy began, after giving me a few moments to get some food into my stomach. "Tristan has already told me about these...Hunger Games that you were put in to. But I still don't quite understand. As I'm sure you can see, we live in New World, a place that was created not too long ago, but long enough that I've never known anywhere else. We, the New People, have never heard of your Hunger Games, or District One, or the Capitol. Nothing of the sort has even been broadcasted on television!"

"But.... Panem is huge. You must have heard at least something about it," I mumbled, my mouth full of strawberries. Amy shook her head. "You see, we may be called the 'New People' but we are very old-fashioned when it comes to meeting strangers. No one new has come to town for...for as long as I've been alive for sure. So you understand how very....surprising it was to see you two on our doorstep."

"Yes! I definitely understand now," I swallowed my mouthful of berries. "Who is your President? Maybe they have heard of our home."

"That's the other interesting fact about our home. Our President doesn't visit often, no one knows where she goes when she isn't here. And she's missing a lot. She really only shows up when something horrible happens or..."

"She's here!" Maia hollered as she sprinted down the staircase. "Miss President is here!"

"Maia, please. Don't be ridiculous," Amy stood up and glanced out the window. "Why would the good lady come now, she was just here last month."

"Turn on the tv!" Maia ignored her mother's disbelief. Tristan grabbed the remote from the coffee table and flicked on the flat screen.

"This just in," The reporter onscreen said excitedly, gripping her microphone tightly. "New World's president has been spotted making her way through the town's gates once again! And I must say, this visit is quite unexpected, considering she was here only weeks earlier. The town council is moving quickly to get the town looking it's best! Stay tuned for an interview with the one, the only, President Dellya Snow!"

I looked at Tristan, panic evident in both of our eyes. "She can't know we are here!" Tristan hissed. "You hear me? She will hurt us for... for not listening to her!"

Amy turned away from the window, shocked. "Are you asking me to lie to our President?"

"Please don't get my mommy in trouble," Maia begged, her eyes wide with fear.

"We don't want to get anyone in trouble," I intervened. "You see, Amy, and Maia, back where me and Tristan come from, Panem, we know Dellya Snow. We know her very well, actually, and she's done some horrible things to us and to people we love and care about." Emilia, and the other deceased members of our alliance, flashed into my mind.

"Yes, so please listen to us. You trust us, right?" Tristan asked desperately. I know he was thinking of his wife who was carrying his unborn child, his daughter, and the rest of his family.

Maia nodded immediately. Amy, however, paused for a moment. "Riiiight?" Tristan pushed. She finally gave in and nodded.

"Here's what we need to do," He took control of the situation. "You, Amy, and the rest of your family can go and do...whatever you normally do when President Snow arrives. Try and act casual, don't do anything to raise suspicion upon yourselves. Celia and I will stay here, hidden, inconspicuous. If, for some reason, they feel the need to search the town, we'll need some sort of signal..."

"We can't figure that out now, we need to get ready! Everyone always dresses up for the President. Come along now, Maia, go wake up your father. You two should get to hiding," Amy waved her finger at Tristan and I.

The President was here.

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