Surprise Guest

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James' pov:

"get back here!" I yelled chasing after Tilly as she ran behind the toilets of the gas station "got ya" I giggled going the other way of the toilets to block her off "arrrr!" she screamed as I wrapped my arms around her making her jump "now what did you do to me?" I asked sarcastically kissing her neck "the most epic thing ever" she cheered trying to get out of my grasp "really? so getting me wet was epic was it?" I put my head near her and shook it fast, flicking water on her from my drenched hair "ok james ok, I'm sorry" she laughed sheilding her face with her hands "thats what I thought" I nodded proudly letting her go "but your got to admit it was pretty funny" she giggled walking closer to me again "ok fine it was a little funny" I pouted using my fingers to show how little it was funny "yeah a little" she copied my action while talking with a baby voice before kissing me on the lips. "so lets see if carlos is done with the gas" Tilly said grabbing my hand and swinging it back and forward "sure" I smiled lifting her hand and placing a kiss on it.......

Stephanie's pov:

"are you ok?" I asked carlos as I sat on the hood on the bus, he has been acting weird ever since we stopped for gas "yeah, yeah im fine" he insisted looking like he was coming out of a day dream "are you sure?" I asked unconvinsed "yes" he sighed putting the gas pump back in it's place then suddenly the door to the bus swung open and out walked megan.... with logan! "logan your awake" i smiled excitedly giving him a tight hug then letting go while looking at carlos he shook his head and said "good to see you healthy bud" he smiled "yeah I feel good" logan nodded they then gave each other a brotherly but manly hug patting each other on the back "so where you guy off to?" I asked looking between logan and megan "to that little shop thing over there" megan smiled pointing to the shop kendall and lucy have gone in "cool" carlos smiled turning and walking into the bus "Kendall and Lucy are in there so you should be fine" I whispered to them walking the way carlos went "your so annoying" I muttered about carlos grunting as I walked into the bus.....

Lucy's pov:

"im so bored" I whined swinging my legs over the edge of a counter "well what do you want to do?" Kendall asked me looking throught the shelfs and fridges trying to find some food "but you know it would be nice if you actually help" he moaned once again slamming a fridge door close "hey guys" a cheery voice said 'i know that voice' i tuned around and saw megan and...."LOGAN!" i jumped down from the counted to hug him but i fell flat on my face "clutz" logan giggled helping me up "thanks" I smiled dusting myself off before pulling him in a bear hug "wow you reacted more than carlos and stephanie" Logan faked gasped "what do mean?" kendall asked walking up to us "hey by the way" he smiled hugging Logan the same way Carlos "hey" he giggled back "stephanie was a bit excited and gave me a tight hug but it wasnt a bear hug" he glared at me making me smiling guiltly before he started chuckling again "then carlos just gave me the same hug you did" he directed his statment at kendall "heya meggy" I smiled seeing as no one has even spoken to her "hi Lucy, you ok?" she asked me giving a small wave "yeah, you?" I asked walking up to her as logan walked off with kendall "yeah, I....." she suddenly stopped when there was a bang from above the shop "wh-whose up there?" I whispered backing away to kendall, Megan doing the same with Logan "I... don't know" Kendall whispered walking towards the stairs that were at the back of the shop "Kendall no!" I whispered/shouted to him as he opened the door "wait for me" I sighed running after him.

"this place looks scary" I panicked grabbing hold on Kendall's arm for dear life "Lucy, this place looks like a band room" Kendall chuckled looking around "yeah but where's the band?" I asked curiously looking around with Kendall, our eyes landing on the same thing.... a stack of boxes kendall walked towards it me right behind him, he pushed the boxes and they all fell over then there was a grunt "w-whose there?" I stuttered, scared for my life then the mysterious shadow jumped up brushing himself off I picked up a flash light from off the ground (dont ask me how i knew it was there) and shone it on the.... thing "y-y-y-your" i dropped the flash light the words not coming out of my mouth "benji madden from good charlotte?, yeah i am, nice to meet you" he smiled a sweet smile and held out his hand to me and I didn't think twice before shaking it "Oh My God i am such a big fan of yours" I yelled excitedly "awesome" he smiled "Kendall look its Benji from Good Charlotte" I beamed tapping him from behind "yeah i know" he whispered flattly in my ear "hey mate" he smiled shaking 'the benji maddens' hand'.

"so wheres the rest of the band?" Kendall asked as we walked down to stairs back to the main shop "who knows" he shrugged hands in his pockets "awwe its cool you can tag alone with us" I offered nudging him "no its fine really" he waved it off "we insist, right Kendall?" I looked up to him but he looked unsure "i dont know, danielle...." I elbowed him in the gut to stop him talking "your happy to stay with us for as long as you like" I nodded at him linking my arm with his while kendall followed with his arms wrapped around his stomach. "we have 4 guys, 5 girls in our group" I told him as we made our way to the bus, logan and megan were over the hill when they found out who we found and couldn't stop talking.... well actually muttering about it "why so odd?" he chuckled, hands still in his pockets "well Tilly's sister; danielle had a boyfriend but well he got bitten so Tilly had to kill him infront of her" I said sadly as we approached the bus "ohh" he looked sad 'awwe that face' "just please dont say nothing to Danielle or Tilly let Danielle open up to you, let her tell you everything" i told him patting him on the back before pushing him on the bus.....


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