Life Or Death

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Logan's pov:

"so where did you learn to shoot like that?" I asked Carlos as we walked side by side through the field "my papi showed me when I was little" he said proudly "wow, he tought you well" I smiled patting his back "yeah" his smile faded a bit probably thinking about his father. "where are we going?" Danielle moaned from behind us "Africa" Carlos yelled back sarcasticlly "ooh yay I love Africa" we heard her clap "she has problems" Carlos whispered to me "yeah I know its hard to believe that her and Tilly are related" I smirked "speaking of Tilly, how did she take James running off like that?" "Not well, she cried like I've never seen her cry before" I answered Carlos' question "wow that bad huh?" I nodded.

"guys!" Stephanie called from in front of us "what is it?" Carlos yelled back "you might wanna come and look at this" with that we all ran up to where she was standing behind a bush, "It's James' lucky Jacket" Megan gasped putting a hand over her mouth "yup" I nodded staring at it "ha, big deal" Danielle huffed "Oh, it is a big deal" Carlos nodded looking like he didnt believe what she just said "its the jacket Tilly got him when they went to a baseball game last year and one of the players signed it" Stephanie explained "but they were just friends back then" I added "lets see if he went this way" Megan pointed to the left where there were lots of trees "ok" we all agreed.......

Lucy's pov:

"Kenny are you ok?" I panicked everytime he winced in pain "yeah its just.... my hand kills like a bitch" he smirked a bit but screwed his eyes shut when the pain took over him again "Its ok just breath through the pain" I teased getting a glare off him "guys keep up we need to find James and the others" Tilly called to us "coming!" I called back. "so, how did you get up in that tree?" I asked interested "I'll tell you when we find Megan and/or Logan" he moaned in pain "why?" I raised an eyebrow "cos I'm in a lot of pain right now" he winced once more "here" I stopped, taking the belt from my shorts and wrapping it around his hand with a peice of ripped cloth to stop the bleeding "better?" I asked " yeah, you could be a doctor too" he winked at me "na, too much reading" I sighed wiping my bloody hands down my shorts " Guys keep up!" Tilly huffed turning back to us " we're coming" I shot back.

"James?!, James?!" Tilly yelled walking through the forest looking high and low as we followed her actions "Tilly calm down, we're going to find him" Kendall assured her "and what if we dont?!" Tilly snapped spining round to face him with tear filled eyes "we will" he sighed nodding "James?!" "Benji what are you doing?" Kendall asked seeing Benji looking into a hole in a tree "I think something's in there" he whispered pointing- the hole was in the bottom of the tree by the roots and it looks like a fully grown man could fit in there "James?!" Tilly ran over to the hole but I had to hold her back "it might not be him" I whispered approching the tree with a sharp stick in my hand "James?" I whispered poking my head in the hole then suddenly there was a creaking sound before the ground beneath me crumbled and I went falling down into the deep dark hole......

Tilly's pov:

"Lucy!" Kendall yelled as she disappeared into the hole "im going after her" he insisted "no you're hurt and lost quite a bit of blood" I told him sternly " well what are we going to do?" he asked looking from me to Benji. I thought for a minute looking around before my eyes landed on a large, thick vine "here" I said grabbing it, I tied it round my waist and threw the other end the Benji "If anything happens I'll tug on it twice and you'll pull me up, got it?" both boys nodded their head "good.... well here I go" I sat down on the edge of the hole and pushed myself into it sliding down, going left then right then left again before hitting the ground with a thud "ow" I grunted sitting up rubbing my back, I stopped for a moment taking in all my surrounding "James?" I whispered standing up brushing myself off "James?, Lucy?" I walk into a tunnel and it started to get darker and darker until.... I saw a little light and of course my first instinct was to follow it so I did. The light led me to a opening with mine shafts and tracks 'must be an old mining place' I thought looking around "James?" I saw a shadow in the corner so I walked towards it hoping it was James "James?" I put a hand on his shoulder making his head turning slowly releaving a walker eating a rat "Oh MY GOD!" I cried backing away as it stood up "help" my voice was tight so I was unable to speak "help me" this time my voice was raspy "James" I whispered "hey!" a voice called gaining the walkers attention making it run after him (im guessing its a 'him' by the sound of its voice) "run!" the man yelled to me "run" he said again snapping me out of my thoughts "James?" I recognised the voice "James!" I waved to him but he was to busy running..... or limping 'why is he limping away from the walker?' "here!" I threw my knife at him and he successfully caught it stabbing the walker in the head "James" I smiled tears coming back to my eyes when he embraced me in a hug "have you seen Lucy?" I asked once we pulled away "no why?" "lets just go and find her" I took his hand in mine and untied the vine that was around my wait before running to look for Lucy......

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