Chapter 29

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Megan's pov:

"you kids have gotta stay outta trouble" Hershel said shaking his head "how can you be so calm?!" I exclaimed "I'm a veterinarian, I have to be calm" Hershel shrugged like it was no big deal "vet-veterinarian?" James asked with a high pitched voice but it was strangely calm "your.... your a veterinarian?" "yeah" Hershel nodded, there was moments of silence as we all looked at James, "WHY DIDNT YOU TELL US BEFORE?!" James finally exploded "there it is" kendall sighed, talking about James' anger problem "hey your friends wanted my help" Hershel shot back, James turned to glare at Daryl and Merle who were still holding Logan "why didn't you tell us?!" James shouted at them "well let's face it.... Tilly is a Bitch" Merle said smirking, James lashed out at him but Kendall managed to pull him back in time.

"right let's get this young man in here" Hershel said motioning to Logan then another room "o-ok" I nodded, shaking as I followed Daryl and Merle into the room.

I am so scared but I don't know why Logan is probably fine, Hershel took 10/15 minutes checking him over until he finally stood up right. "He should he ok, I've just got to re-stitch the wound on his side and clear up some cuts probably where he fell but other than that he's fine" I sighed in relieve after hearing that "so why is he unconscious?" I asked "he probably hit his head or something" Hershel suggested before walking out the room, I turned to Daryl who was messing around with his crossbow and Merle who was poking the IV bags "so what happened?" I asked curiously "well... haha" Merle started laughing "we were getting the supplies" Daryl started "then?..." "then....."


Daryl's pov:

We were all running down the halls as a bunch of walkers were chasing after us, Logan was terrified so I made sure he was in front of me but when I looked back I tripped over something and went to the ground, Logan turned around and must of saw me cos he ran to me and helped me up. when I was standing again we started running and met Merle near the exit where we entered "thanks for waiting.... jackass" I moaned at him "hey its every guy for himself" he shrugged, "God!" when we got outside walkers were everwhere..... long story short; Logan tripped over a big branch outside near a big a tree and went stumbling down the big hill we drove up, I ran down the hill after him even though merle was yelling at me to "forget him" and "let's just leave him" but I couldn't leave him, he helped me when walkers were inches away. I got down the hill and saw Logan's body cut up and bruised I called for Merle to come and help me lift him up so Merle drove down the hill in his pick-up truck, we lifted Logan into the truck and put all the supplies we gathered in the back then headed back to the farm....

End of Flashback....

Megan's pov:

"....and that's what happened" Daryl finished "so he didn't get stratched or bitten?" Hershel asked "no, we're both lucky that those walkers didn't get us" Daryl shrugged, tear were welling up in my eyes when I heard Daryl's story, I walked round the bed that Logan was on and wrapped my arms around Daryl's neck "thank you" I whispered in his ear, I pulled away from the hug but still had my arms around his neck, I looked at him and gave him a quick peck on the lips (don't worry it was a friendly one, like what parents and old people do to their friends) I smiled and walked back to Logan's bed but not without missing the shocked look on Daryl's face making me smirk to myself.....

James' pov:

"Tiggy I know you can hear me, Hershel; that's the guy who's suppose to be helping you said that you're in some sort of shock coma or something, I don't know.... anyway I really need you to wake up soon cos I'm dying" I whispered to her still body, a single tear fell down my cheek as I stood up to leave but something stopped me, I looked down and saw Tilly gripping my hand in hers, I didn't get too excited cos 'the doctor' said that was bound to happen if she's coming out of a coma.

I just sat there for another 20 minutes or so when a hand touched my shoulder, I looked up and saw Carlos standing over me, without saying anything I stood up and hugged him letting go of Tilly's hand "you ok man?" Carlos asked smiling sadly "I guess, she grabbed my hand" I said sort of excitedly "really? Hershel told me what that means, that's good right?" he looked at me smiling "ye.... yeah I guess that is good. thanks man" I smiled patting his back as we walking into the living room area where Lucy and Kendall were "so Danielle's not up yet?" I asked looking at her sleeping body on the couch "if you ask me I'd say she's just being lazy" Carlos shrugged "yeah she's always been like that" I muttered "how do you know?" Megan asked "I would always drive her to school cos her sister was always to lazy to get up" I said chuckling at the memory "oh Jay" megan shook her head.

We spent the last 20 minutes talking and arranging who's going to take watch when.

It was about 9pm when Hershel came into the living room and sat on a big arm chair, he pick up his book and put his glasses on starting to read, we all look at Hershel expectantly "ah hum" I coughed getting his attention "what?" he grumbled "urm.... we were.... urm wondering if..... urm we could stay her for the night?" megan asked hopefully, Hershel looked between all of us then back at Megan "whatever" he shrugged going back to his book we all high fives each other quietly cheering.

We set up our bedding around the house; Hershel kindly let me sleep with Tilly in the bed, Carlos slept on the couch with Danielle (she has been asleep for 12 hours) Ivan also let Megan sleep with Logan even though that farm girl protested cos it was her bed and kendall and Lucy slept on an air bed in the middle of the living room.

"good night Tilly" I smiled kissing her forehead "I love you" with that I fell asleep thinking about what tomorrow might bring.....

Carlos' pov:

I layed next to Danielle and pulled the blanket up to my chin, I sighed looking over my shoulder to Kendall and Lucy who were giggling under the covers "ah Kendall" Lucy squealed quietly, I pulled the blanket over my head as I groaned 'I miss Stephanie' when I thought that a tear fell down my cheek and I silently sobbed, I got interrupted by someone pulling the blanket back, I looked up and saw the farm girl looking down at me "shhh" she whispered using her thumb to wipe the tears that were on my cheeks.

I sat up and the farm girl sat on the floor "what's wrong?" she asked "I-I-I m-mi-miss Stephanie" I stuttered through sobbed knowing that she doesn't know who Stephanie was "oh, I'm sorry" she pulled me into a hug. We pulled away and I looked at her "wh-what's your name?" "Beth" she said smiling as she pulled a piece of hair behind her ear, I slid on the floor next to her so we could talk better.

"thank you for letting us stay here" I whispered, looking at my hands "you're welcome" she smiled "I had to  persuad daddy to let you stay, you seem too cute to be eaten" she giggled, I chuckled a little relaxing.

"well you better get some sleep, you've got a big day tomorrow" Beth said getting up "night" I smiled up to her, she bent down to kiss my cheek and walked off smiling. I actually had a good night sleep for once.

Daryl's pov:

"hey Daryl.... Daryl?" "what?!" I whispered harshly to Merle "lets bail bro" "what?! why?" I asked frowning "these guys are pussys man, they're bringing us down" he moaned "Merle! these people have been nothing but good to us" I scowled him "just suck it up man" I finished "but....." "no butts" I said pointing a finger at him, he sat back pouting.



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