The News

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Megan's pov:

where am I?.... suddenly I saw a light up a head, I ran towards it not thinking, I got to a clearing and in front of me were loads of walkers and the light was.... a hospital! I rememeber hearing on the news that the hospitals have a medicine for the ones who got bitten but it depends how long they have been like that so I could probably save Stephanie and it better still be alright for Logan but first things first..... the walkers, how do I get passed them? I have no weapons but I was part of camp wonkey donkey so I could make a temporary weapon out of branches...I gotta get to work fast but I might have to go and get backup, maybe carlos can help and James as we all went to camp wonkey donkey together......

Carlos' pov:

I woke up from my dreamless sleep and looked around seeing that I wasn't resting on Megan anymore but someone else "hey" the soft voice spoke, I know that voice its the most beautiful voice ever "Stephanie" I yelled much more awake now jumping up giving her a bear hug "yeah ok you can let me go now Litos" she struggled to breath "hey where's the others?" I asked suddenly concerned "well Tilly, James and Kendall are... now coming back" Logan butted in looking out the window to see our 3 friends walking back to the bus weapons in hand "and where's Megan?" I finished my question "oh yeah about that well she...." Logan didnt have time to finish as the bus door swung open letting the others in "oh so you decided to come back then?" Tilly looked really angry which is making me think her question was rhetorical "yeah" Stephanie beamed answering her question I face Palmer my hand "where's Megan?" James asked sitting in the drivers seats wiping his weapon with a rag "well she sorta ran off" Logan said real slowly "what!?, why didn't you tell me?" I panicked. Not more people running off I can't handle it "well I didn't get the chance to as everyone rudely burst through the door" he snapped Woah I've never seen Logan snap before "loges are you ok? you seen to be sweating a lot" Kendall asked walking up to him placing a hand on him head "Woah Logan your forehead might as well be on fire" he exclaimed, now I was confused "why would his forehead be on fire for?" I asked and before I could do anything else Kendall grabbed my wrist making me pull my hand on his head "wow Logan your so hot..... but not in that way" I quickly said before James got any ideas or said anything thing, I looked over at him "what?!, I wasn't going to say anything" James giggled knowing what I was thinking.

Minutes passed but it seem like hours, James took Logan to the back of the bus so they could 'talk' Stephanie and Lucy are talking and so are Kendall and Lucy well they're not really talking, more like making out while I just sat bored out my mind 'is no one actually going to find Megan then' I thought to myself, I leaned my head on the window and saw something running "we got a walker people and its fast" I said kinda calm "I got it" James shouted standing up with his pick-axe in his hand, Kendall opened the door so James could jump out. He ran to the walker as we all watch out the window, they were steps apart when James lifted up him axe just as he was about to swing it two arms were wrapped around him and pulled James into a hug "what's going on?" I asked confused "hey that's Megan" Logan shouted pushing us out of the way "Megan!" he kept yelling struggling to run to her, I don't know about anyone else but I'm so confused........

James' pov:

"what happened to you?, why did you run off?" I know I kept asking her questions but I needed to know, she pulled away from the hug tears streaming down her cheecks "its.... Logan" she muttered loud enough for me to hear "yeah I know" I admitted Logan told me not to tell but if she knows then I should be able to tell people I know "what do you mean you know?" she sounded a bit annoyed "well.... I...urr...." I stuttered trying to think of something "Megan!" I heard someone shout, I turned around and saw Logan half skipping half running towards us "Logan you should be resting that won't help you" I yelled to him but he ignored me and ran straight to Megan hugging her tight "where did you go?" was the first question he asked "I found a hospital about 15 miles away and I think there is something that can help you and Steph" she said excitedly a hugh smile on her face "wait why do you need to help Stephanie?" I asked getting a bit worried "oh well she got bitten too on the leg" Megan said getting quieter as she said it "what?!" I shouted "does carlos know?" I asked whispering again "no" Logan whispered looking at the floor "and I don't think he should not from us anyway let Steph tell him" Megan butted in looking more confident "yeah I guess your right" I sighed turning round to go back on the bus when I saw Tilly, she looked shocked "oh Tilly, hi" I smiled she just shook her head and went to climb back on the bus when I grabbed her wrist "tillz I'm sorry" I whispered pulling her so she would turn to face me "why didnt you tell me?" she sounded sad which made me feel guilty "Logan didn't what me to tell no-one he thought that we would kill him" I admitted finding the floor more interesting than Tilly's eyes at this point "Jamie why couldn't you just tell me? I could of helped" she lifted my chin with her fingers so our eyes met "you know you can tell me anything right" she smiled at me pecking me on the cheek "is that why you snapped at me earlier because you knew there was something wrong with Logan and I wouldn't listen?" she looked really sad now "no,no,no, well I mean yes but I didn't mean to snap I guess I was just tired" I looked at her apologetically "sure ok" she smiled hugging me "I love you tiggy" I whispered in her hair "I love you too Jay."

we walked back into the bus, me, Megan, Logan and Tilly had decided to tell everyone about Logan but we didn't want carlos to know about Stephanie so we are going the tell them when carlos isn't around. "ok so guys as you know I haven't been feeling too good" Logan started as we got everyone quiet "well its because Logan got... bitten by a walker" Megan said quickly but I guess everyone heard by the look on there faces "but..." I started before they could all start to panic "Megan found a hospital" "and...." Kendall was the one to speak first "and can you remember that radio message saying that they have found a cure for those who got bitten just not for the ones that have turned" Tilly chimed in glaring at Kendall "yeah I remember that" carlos blurted out "well me and Megan are going to go as we have survival experience being in camp wonkey donkey and all" "no one cares James!" Kendall shouted making me jump "your just jealous that I have survival experience and you don't" I teased but I don't think he cared "fine" I pouted "do we have anymore volunteers?" Tilly asked patting me on the back "I mean I'm going but I think we need one more" "I'll go" carlos said putting his hand up "wait?! no!" Stephanie shouted standing up from carlos' lap "come on babe I'll be back before you know it, unless anyone else wants to go" he looked around the bus and his eyes landed on Kendall "seriously I just come back form hunting Stephanie and now I gotta fight off loads of walkers" he moaned "come on I'll come with you" Lucy smiled sitting on his lap "ok fine" he moaned standing picking Lucy up with him, this is going to be a long trip.......

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