I'm Sorry You Had To Go....

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Megan's pov:

"hey Megan, you ok?" Lucy asked as I walked down the stairs, Stephanie following me "yeah" I smiled "me and Steph have worked everything out" I said walking to the kitchen "urm.... where's Benji?" Kendall asked from the living room "didn't he go to find the others" Lucy said as we all made our way to the kitchen "yeah but he was suppose to come back" he argued then suddenly there was a knock at the.... back door? I walked to open it to see a guy supporting Benji who was bleeding "urm who are you?" I questioned "I can just go you know and leave him to die" he gestured to Benji just then the others came running through the door "dude the place is surrounded by walkers" Carlos panicked to Kendall "bring him in" Tilly ordered so the guy pushed pass me and layed Benji on the couch 'how rude' I thought closing the door and joining Stephanie and Lucy in the kitchen again.

"who are they?" I repeated my question seeing another guy with the rude one "thats Daryl and Merle Dixon best hunters/survivors around" Stephanie explained making me and Lucy give her a look "what?! I was there when they did an interview and photo shoot" Stephanie said in defense "don't let Danielle know you know them" Tilly whispered coming up behind me but before I could say anything our attention was turned to the bleeding man on the couch "he's losing too much blood" Daryl informed us "oh so your a nurse now, hey bro" Merle chuckled making me roll my eyes "let me go" Benji mumbled "what?!" Danielle squeaked "NO!" she shook her head "I already lost Philip I don't wanna lose you too" she cried standing up "its all your fault!" she screamed at Tilly before running upstairs slamming the door shut "I'll take him out on my horse" Daryl said sort of kindly helping Benji up and making their way to the back door "there's less walkers this way" he told everyone before closing the door behind them "ok, so who wants food?" I asked as everyone's hands went up.......

Tilly's pov:

Poor Benji, I feel sorry for him but not for Danielle it makes me quite happy to see her like this; heart broken and upset "Tilly stop smirking at her" James' voice brought me out of my thought then I realised that I have been staring at danielle on the couch with Carlos trying to comfort her "It's ok Dani its for the best I guess" Carlos tried to cheer her up which made me feel sick "I'm gonna check on Logan" I mumbled standing up from the kitchen table and walking up the stairs, I realised that Logan hasn't come down since we got here.

"Logan?" I whispered pushing the door open carefully 'oh he's asleep' I thought walking into the room "wow Logan! this place is trashed" I whispered looking around "huh, huh" I spun around and saw Logan sitting up in his bed looking confused "its ok Logan" I assured him making my way to the bed and sitting on the end of it "T-Tilly" he frowned looking at me carefully "it is you?" he smiled pulling me into a hug....

"Logan what's wrong?" I asked as I felt my shirt getting wet, he pulled away and looked up at me with red eyes "I-I was so scared" he sobbed looking at his fingers "why?" I asked confused "I don't know what's real anymore, I feel like I'm going crazy" he explained throwing his arms to the side, I pressed my hand to Logan's forehead feeling his temperature "holy crap Logan! your burning up" I gasped, I found a wet cloth and put it to his head "better?" I asked running my fingers through his hair "why don't you come down stairs and talk to people, you've been up here almost all day" I explained as he swung his legs off the bed "ok" he smiled standing up, I took his hand and helped him down stairs.

"hey everybody, look who I dragged down stairs" I called to everyone as me and Logan walked into the living room "Logie!" Megan was the first one to greet him with a hug "L-Logan" Stephanie stammered awkwarding hugging him "hey Steph, sorry for early" I heard him whisper in her ear, she pulled away nodding "what's up bud?" James and Kendall smiled as they all did their group hug minus Carlos who was still with Danielle. Kendall took Logan on the couch where he introduced Merle and told him about Dayrl who wasn't back yet and the matter about Benji "so what's up with Logan?" Me and James asked in unison to each other "I don't know he's been acting....." "strange" James said the same time as me "yeah" I nodded "he's been having mood swings" I said making James think "Yeah, your right" he arch an eyebrow glancing over to Logan who was happily eating "well he seems fine now" he pointed out walking back to the kitchen "yeah for now" I mumbled......

Carlos' pov:

"its ok" I squeezed Danielle tightly as she cried into my chest "your so sweet" she sniffed looking up "thanks" I smiled proudly but then my smile suddenly dropped as I looked into her eyes leaning closer to her "his back!" Kendall called making me jump up and Danielle face planted the couch "whose back?" Logan questioned "Daryl" Tilly smiled "I stood there frozen not knowing what to do "Carlos?" I snapped my head to the side to see Stephanie standing by the stairs "you wanna move your clothes" she said so sweetly it made me feel guilty 'wait, I didn't do nothing' I thought sighing with relieve "yeah ok" I turned and smiled apologetically to Danielle who just glared at me "sorry" I whispered to her before running up the stairs slamming the door behind me.

I sat on the floor leaning against the door 'I love Stephanie not Danielle, Stephanie's my girlfriend not her' I was arguing with myself when there was a knock at the door, I opened it and saw Stephanie standing there was a sad expresion on her face "I'm sorry Carlos" she whispered throwing her arms around me "for what?" I asked, my voice shaky "I can't do this anymore" and with that she pulled a gun out of her pocket "where did you get that?" I asked shocked "I took it out of Daryl's pocket when he walked pass" she explained then pointed the gun to her temple "no Steph, you don't want to do this" I waved my hands in front of her then I started thinking 'if I tried to get the gun off her she could turning and point the gun at me' but then if I don't she will shoot herself' suddenly I was brought out of my thoughts by the gun clicking "what can't you do anymore?" I tried to stall her "this whole apocalypse thing, It's driving me mad I mean seeing Logan like that was just fucked up!" she swore, I've never heard her swear before she's normal the calm one "I'm sorry" she said again placing the gun back to her temple "please no" I begged reaching for the gun but it was too late.... *BANG* I dropped to my knees holding the lifeless body in my arms "Carlos what happened?!" I heard James' voice as people were banging up the stairs, I couldn't answer him so instead I just watched the love of my live in peace.

"oh Carlos" I felt a hand on my shoulder, I looked up and saw Tilly standing above me "she said she couldn't do it anymore" I mumbled not taking my eyes off Stephanie "Los...." Tilly whispered crouching down beside me "some people can't handle the stress, Steph was obviously one of those people but hey.... she made it this far" she said reassuringly, placing a kiss on my cheek "yeah I guess, thanks Tillz" I whispered place a kiss on her cheek and pulling her into a hug "we better get you cleaned up" Danielle mutter 'was she being nice?' I thought and smirked "ok" I nodded taking her hand and walking to the bathroom glancing on last time at the movie making beauty "I'll miss you" I whispered as the door to the bathroom closed.......

James' pov:

"Alright people let's bury her" Tilly said as she stood up from beside Stephanie's body "you ok?" I asked seeing tears in her eyes "y-yeah" she nodded starting to walk but she started to sway "hey, are you sure your fine?" I asked catching her before she fell "I'm just a little dizzy" she said weakly trying to stand on her own "have you eaten today?" Logan butted in "Yea..... no" she shook her head "let's go get you some food" I said helping her down the stairs.

"feel better?" I asked watching her eat a sandwich "much" she nodded her head quickly "when was the last time you ate?" I asked curiously "urm.... 3 days ago" she whispered, my eyes went wide "why didn't you eat?!" I shouted at her not because I was angry but because I was upset "I knew you would be worried" she muttered "worried? worried about what?" I asked leaning closer to her "I..... have.... a...... eating disorder" she said slowly as if she was ashamed of it "well that's fine, why didn't you tell me?" I was a bit hurt but it was understandable "I don't know" she shrugged so I pulled her into a tight hug "I love you" I whispered not knowing what to say, I stood frozen still hugging Tilly as she said nothing I.... love you too" she sighed making me sigh of relieve "ur...um" someone coughed, we turned around and saw Daryl standing at the bottom of the stairs "your.... friends need your help" he said bluntly while walking out the back door to a beautiful yard with plants and flowers and a wall so walkers can't get in "let's go" I sighed taking Tilly's hand knowing what they needed our help with.......


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