Chapter 3:I Get Confused, Then Embarrassed And Then Try To Kill Alissiya!

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Don't kill me for the beginning Maddie! Louchiarno (Luke) to the right, just imagine him with black hair and purple highlights.-->>


I woke up with a start and look around. Whew! It was just a dream! I can safely say that none of yesterdays events really happened. I sigh and walk to my en suite for a shower. On the way to my bathroom I trip over someone and fall on my face...again. I groan and roll over just to bump into the person I fell over.

"Urm, you Okay?" Asked the voice that haunted my dream, of them anyway. I open my eyes and let me tell you this now, if you haven't seen Andy Biersack's bed hair, then your in for a heart attack! I coughed and went red. I always seem to embarrass myself in front of this guy!!

"Huh? Oh, yeah, sorry, I'm fine." I managed to choke out. I need an excuse to leave, I thought. That was when I remember the shower that was now getting delayed. I stood up and ran into my bathroom and locked the door so fast, I put Sonic to shame. Lazy ass, little blue cunt! I stripped my body of my clothes in such a smexxii way I put all "hot" female models to shame. Ha, I even put Franco to shame! As soon as the water hit my body, I started to relax and forget about Andy. I turned on my radio that was sat next to the shower, and the rock/hevay metal station came on, as usual.

New Religion by Black Veil Brides came blasting threw the speakers that conected to the ones in my room. I sang along to the song, forgetting that Andy was on the other side of the bathroom door.

Andy's Sexy Bed Hair POV:

Louchiarno's, Luke is what he seems to prefer being called although his cousin calls him Arno, bed hair was way too sexy for his own good. When he looked at me after I asked him if he was okay, it took all I had not to reach over and touch his bed hair. As I was contemplating this, I heard the shower start. He must have needed it after yesterday. I sighed and crossed my arms behind my head and layed back down, only to jump 10 million miles into the air as soon New Religion by...well me, came blaring from some where. I was about to sit back and listen to the meaning in my song, when suddenly the door was thrown open. I was just lying there in only my boxers when Alissiya, or Alice as Luke calls her, glared at Lukes bathroom door.

"Urm...need something?" I asked her. She then turned her glare to me and pointed and finger at me after turning the radio off.

"YOU!!" I raised my eyebrows. She hardened her glare and growled. "Your ruining my brother's life with your terrible and depressing music!!" She screeched. Just then Luke walked out of his bathroom in only just a towel. I quickly monuvered myself into a position where no one could see my raging boner. Daaaammnn! That boy is so tempting, coming out of the bathroom like that!

Lukes Crazy And Irresitsable POV:

The music was suddenly turned off and I sighed, knowing full well that I would get it in the neck from Alice. I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my waist and walked to the door. I braced myself for a lashing, when a sream stopped me in my tracks.

"YOU!!" Alice shrieked. Who?! "Your ruining my brother's life with your terrible and depressing music!!" She screeched. Ohhhh! She means Andy! Oh shit! Andy! I walked out of the bathroom and see Andy moving around looking uncomfortable. Great, thanks Alice!

"Why don't you and your little faker band members leave so Luke can be well again!!" Okay this is where I draw the line. I growled and stormed over to my walk in wardrobe and closed the door. I changed from my towel to some spunky clothes. [See external link]

"Alissiya Jannie Lachowski...can I have a word? NOW!!" I held my bedroom door open for her and once we were outside my room I slammed her against the wall. The sound the impact made must've have been heard from the whole house. Not noticing that everyone's watching, me and Alissiya start arguing.

"Terrible and depressing?!?! The only thing terrible and depressing here, love, is you!!" I screamed.

"No, the depressing thing is that every gay guy loves Black Veil Brides! Including you! Typical fags love 'hardcore metal', just as much as they love it up the arse! And it's fucking wrong!" She screamed and punched me in the face out of anger, her ring cut my face and brew blood and I just took it.

"Get out." I whispered, not capable of looking at her. Her glare turned into a look of confusion.

"What?" She asked. I looked her in the eyes this time.

"I said, GET OUT!!" She still looked confused.

"Why? I haven't-Oh.My.God!" A look a realision flooded her face. "Oh God! I didn't mean it!" She clung to my arm and started crying. I couldn't take it anymore. I shoved her away from me and looked her dead in the eyes.

"I don't ever want to see your face, hear you name or voice ever again?! You hear me?!" I tell her as she tries to hug me. I push her away again and scream.

"Didn't you fucking hear me?! I don't want anything to do with you ever again!! You dead to me!! I no longer have a twin or a sister!! GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!!" After that I fall backwards into someone and instanly knew it was Andy. I turned into him and clutched his hoodie(well it's mine really), buried my head in his chest and scunched my face up to stop the tears.

As soon as the front door is slammed shut, I break down. Andy leads me to my en suite bathroom and sat me down on the toilet seat, once he'd put the lid down obviously. He routed round my bathroom cabinet, trying to find the First Aid kit.

"Under the sink." I decided to be nice since he's trying to do the same thing. He closed the cabinet door, reached under the sink, grabbed the F.A kit, then came and kelt in front of me. I looked him in the eyes to see anger, hatred, sadness and pure concern. He pulled a few thing from the box, grabbed my chin and turned it to the right. I never noticed til now but, fuck that hurts! He saw me wince and smiled a little.

"It's gonna hurt a little." He warned then dabbed some anti-septic alcohol on my cheek. I flinched and fell backwards into the bathtub. We laughed, then sobbered up, lent over the side of the tub and put a bandage on my cheeck then pulled me out of the tub. Not like that you pervs! And it's just my luck that Andy ended up falling backwards, pulling me with him. We ended up laying ontop of each other laughing our asses off. When we calmed down I was about to get up when Andy suddenly hugged me.

Andy's Paramedic Carreer POV:

Luke looked so cute when he laughed and I just wanted to snuggle up to him and never let go. Woah, slow down Andy! You only just met him! Calm your horses! But I don't want to... :'(


This chapter's a bit crap, but if you like it then it's a bonus!

Love, Love, Love Always L-J x

If It Wasn't For Him, I'd Have Made The Lethal Cut Years Ago.(boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now