Chapter 10:More, I Want More!

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[Vote If You Want Andy To Survive]


I sighed mutely and closed my eyes as I exited the Head's office in search of the bathroom. The kiss kept replaying in my mind. I couldn't stop it, didn't want to. I wish I had it captured on film. So I could watch it over, and over, and over again. I want to be able to dream about it every night. I also want to expect it in the morning and not be disappointed. My eyes flew open.

I want more. More kisses like that. More of Luke.

I looked around the receptions office and sighed. I really need a piss. I sighed and walked to the guest toilets, which were right next to the door. I sigh too much. That door is the only thing stopping an angry, hormonal teenager trying to punch me. Wont happen. I open the door and step into the toilets. Once the door is closed, I pull down my leather pants, relive my bowels, and pull up my pants. I stepped out of the toilets and closed the door.

I turned around just in time for that Tate guy to try and punch me. I ducked and kicked the back of his legs and watched him fall down. Like I said, wont happen.  The Headmasters office door opened just as Tate stood up and put some sort of small sharp knife against my throat.

I heard a  terrified squeak from my left, so I turned my head to see who it was. Big mistake. I gasped as the knife dug into my throat, not deep but still painful. Something trickled down my neck, probably blood.

A scream.

A shout.

A slam.

A sense of fading.

I could feel myself going into shock, shock of letting him catch me in our little game of cat and mouse. I as expecting the hard carpeted floor to greet me, but I land in someone's warm, strong arms. If it's Tate, I'll kill him. First, I think I'll have a little nap. :D *cute face*

*3DaysLater: 8:30PM*

"No!" Luke shouted. Party pooper!

"But why not?!" I shouted back.

"Because you nearly died!" He whispered. He stepped closer, so he right up against me, and started tracing the cut on my neck with his finger. The docter said that I would be 100% dissapointed if I even hoped it wouldn't scar, seeing as it was a bit deeper than I thought.

"Wasn't even that deep..." I whispered back to him.

"But you might get hurt!"

"You'll be there with me, and I'll stay next to the best I can! And being in a band, you can't usually do stuff like this." He sighed and nodded. I started to smile because he's just sooo damn cute! :D *cute face*

"Fine, but only if you stay with me the whole time. Got it?" I smiled bigger, and it must of been pretty big, seeing as my face hurt like a mother fucker!

"Aye, aye captain!"


I checked my outfit in the mirror. Did my butt grow? o.O

Nahh, impossible! My ass is sexy! ;)

Someone knocked on my door and Ashley's head poked in through the doorway.

"AhsiePoo!" I cried and jumped at him. He laughed and gave me a squeeze before setting my down on my feet.

"What you getting all dressed up for, Nugget?" He asked. I smiled really big.

"I'm going on a date with Luke!" I cheered quietly. He smiled and hugged me again.

"I'm glad things are looking up for you, Nugget." He replied. I grimaced at the upidstai nickname.


Another chapter! That's longer than the last one! LE GASP!

I LOVE YOU GUYS! (To the people who actually like this story and cant wait for me to stop being so busy and upload!)

Love, Love, Love Always L-J x

If It Wasn't For Him, I'd Have Made The Lethal Cut Years Ago.(boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now