Chapter 9:The Ex And The HeadTeacher![Have Writer's Block!]

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I walked through the halls with Alissiya, Franco, Leo, Dirk, Andy, Ashley, Jake, CC and Jinxx. As soon as Nixx ans Sasha saw us, they ran over and joined us on our way to the heads office. Everyone stopped and stared at us, with their mouths hanging open. My phone buzzed and randomly shouted,

"OH YEAH!!" In the most sexual male voice ever. I grinned as I took my phone out to see I had received a text. I took my phone out and read the text.

Hey Chi,

Meet me at the place me and the guys hang, please! xx

Only one person has ever called me Chi, my ex. I scowl and shove the phone into my pocket. I keep walking while trying to force the memory down to the back of my head, and succeed. I didn't want a replay of what happened in the past. Nixx and Sasha must of noticed my sudden change in mood, cause Nixx gave me a small smile whereas Sasha looked away in guilt. I sent a quick text to her just to reassure her.


There was a group, of about five guys and one girl, hanging around out near what appeared to be the Head's office. Luke and Sasha tensed up as soon as one of the guys turned to look at us, then stepped towards Luke.

"Chi! I knew you would come! But...who the hell are those freaks you're with?" The guy who stepped forward asked. Luke looked like he wanted to run away, but at the same time wanted to beat him to death with a shovel.

"Tate, back off! You can clearly see he don't wanna talk to you no more!" Nixx exclaimed, then gave my a look. "Plus, he's moved on."

I knew what that meant, so I turned to Luke and tilted his head up so he was facing me.

"Hey..." I whispered. Then kissed him. When Luke gasped, I took my chance and added some tongue. After a few seconds, Luke started to kissing back. And I'll be dammed if it aint one of the best kisses ever!

I pulled away and just rested our foreheads together.

This little holiday's looking good so far...


Oh my god! I'm sorry I haven't posted in ages! I had writer's block! Please forgive me?

Tate is to the side-->

Love, Love, Love Always L-J x

If It Wasn't For Him, I'd Have Made The Lethal Cut Years Ago.(boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now