Chapter 7:Wet Paint! Filler Chapter!

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In maths I just sat there and didn't do any work or respond to Sasha's and Nixx's texts. Partly because I'm still mad about what happened yesterday and because Andy didn't ask if he could use my music room. As well as the fact that Nixx crashed my car into a wall that still had wet paint sign and was late to school. Sir looked at me and shook his head and sighed. He's defiantly fuming.

"Luke! Why aren't you doing your work?!" I just ignored him, which, of course made him even more mad.

"I don't even know how you can be related to your older brother! He always did what he was told to do, never played pranks on teachers, never messed around in class, always did his work and never text people during lessons! You probably aren't even his real brother!" Sir shouted.

"Yeah, well, it's a miracle I'm not like him then, isn't it! I don't even want to know his name, never mind be related to him! So why don't you just fuck off, and go to weight-watchers!"  I shouted back and picked up my stuff and walked to intervention. I stormed through the door and walked up to a computer and logged on. Seeing as no one was here, I guess I can get on with whatever with out being bitched at. I cleared the tables out of the way and went back to the computer. I pressed a few buttons and put a CD, I only just made a few days ago, in the CD drive. I pressed play and stood in the middle of the floor. Once the beats hit me I started to move to the beat. I break dance, street dance and add a tiny bit of free-running into that. I stopped and drink out of my bottle and nearly threw up.

Who the fuck gave me water?! Cheeky fucking cunts! I put the lid back on the bottle and threw it  in my bag. I went to the computer and out the CD on replay then hit play. I tied to perfect the moves but, I felt like I was being watched the whole time. Everytime I turned to see if anyone was there...I came up with no one. I sighed and took the CD out of the CD drive and put back in it's case, then in my bag. i sat down, logged in to Wattpad and Facebook and sighed at the amount of messages from everyone in the school, wanting to know if I really told Mr. Gillies to fuck off and go to weightwatchers. What do thay expect?! Me to just sit there and take off of his crap?! No, abso-fucking-lutly NOT!!

"WOW!!!!!" Was the outburst that I suddenly heard from the door. I spun round see Nixx, Sasha, Louii and Dannik all staring at me, with their mouths wide open. I rolled my eyes and laughed.

"You've seen my do that before, so...STOP EATING FLIES!!" I shouted the last bit at them and they shut their mouths extra quick. I just laughed at the sight of them!

"They might've seen you dance...but I havent." That voice is like an orgasm! Wait-what?! I shook myself mentally to clear my thoughts.

"What the hell is he doing here?!" I shouted. The others looked scared and I could see and hear them gulping. Creepy!

"I'm here, cause apparentally, you need a ride." Andy replied instead of one of the guys. I glared at Nixx. She gave me the puppy dog eyes and said,

"I didn't mean to crash it!! Honest!" She screamed. Damn! Her screams hurt!

"FUCK! WHO'S ELSE IS GOING DEATH?!" A voice shouted.  I spun round and squeked.  I ran up to the person and jump on to them, knocking them over.

"Khaleed!!" I shouted in his ear. I could feel his grin!

"Louchiarno!!" He shouted back in my ear. We got up and were still grinning!

"Who's this?" Andy asked. Khleo gave me a 'what happened?' look. I gave him a 'I'll tell you later' look. He nodded and grinned big. He pulled me close and hugged me tight. I was confused, but I hugged him back tightly.

"I'm his boyfriend!" Khleo stated proudly. Me and just about everyone turned to look at hm in disbelief, seeing as he's as straight as a perfect peice of glass.

What?! The?! Fuck?! Just?! Happened?!....


I know it's short as well as late but I'm still ill and I'm trying my best here guys!! Tomorrow @GrimReapersDaughter and I will be hanging at mine and might get another Chapter of this story and maybe Loving Danny xxxx

Love, Love, Love Always L-J x

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