Chapter 4:Meet Nixx!

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Nixx to the right --->> That Okay Maddie? xx


I hugged him close to me and refused to budge when someone knocked on the door.

"Fuck off!" I shouted and head someone shifting around nervously on the other of the side the door.

"Nixx here..." Franco replied. I jumped up out of Andy's arms and pulled him though my room, down the stairs and to the front door. Standing there in the doorway was Nixx. Decked out in Black Veil Brides clothes and accessories, as usual. We smiled big and shrieked, then jumped at each other and jumped up and down while hugging each other.

We heard laughing and whipped our heads to found the owner of the laugh. Andy stood their with a damn sexy smile on his lips. Nixx screamed and ran at Andy. I tried to stop her but, hell she has some skillz! She flew into Andy, knocking him over, and landing in the same position me and him were in about five minutes ago. She squeezed him really hard and licked his cheek multiple times. Ugh! Nixx!

"Nikita Louisee Bunndi!" I shouted and pulled her off of Andy. I turned her to face me and slapped her. "What do we say when we meet celebrities? Don't freak out, don't be a creeper, and don't attack them!" I glared at her a little bit more with every different thing I said. She smiled sheepishly at me and snuggled into my chest. I sighed and hugged her back.

"He's sexy in normal clothes, isn't he?!" She whispered in my ear. I smiled and looked up at Andy staring at me. I smiled wider and answered Nixx.

"Hell Yusshh! He deffo rocks my clothes." I grinned after I finished talking, knowing Nixx's reaction. She pulled away from me and,

"What the hell?! There yours?!" I nodded at her and saw he jaw drop. Andy coughed and took a cautious step forward.

"I don't mean to sound nosey, but what's his?" Andy asked. Nixx's eyes widened and her eyebrows shot up under her purple fringe. I laughed at her face.

"Why didn't you tell me?!" She questioned. I shook with laughter.

" to explain?!" Franco asked. Oh shit! We can't exactly say 'Oh, don't worry, we were talking about how sexy Andy's talking voice is.' No thank you! I signaled Nixx to say something, knowing she's the best person to just blurt some random shit out.

"Luke left is comdoms in my room!" Everyone's jaw dropped even mine. Did she really have to mention my stash?! Oh right, sorry that was ment to be a secret, so forget I just said that!

"Louchiarno Lachowski!!" I flinched at the loudness of Franco's voice and sat down on the grss and began rocking back and forth slightly. I shook my head trying to get rid of those horrible images that belong to a voice so similar to the one Franco just used. I heard Franco, Loe and Dirk swear and pick me up.

Franco's Sexy Overprotective Big Brother POV:

Shit! I knew how Luke would respond when they talked to him like dad used to, but I did it anyway! How immature of me! I'm suppose to be a adult figure for him and that unnamable bitch!

Andy's Sexy Worried And Confused POV:

As  Francisco, Leonardo and Dirk tried to carry Luke into the house, I stepped forward and took Luke from them and set him on the settee. When Leonardo, Francisco, Dirk and Nixx crouched down in front of Luke and began to talk to him me and the rest of BVB felt like we were intruding on a privite moment and left to our rooms.

We all went into our seperate rooms except Ashley who followed me into mine.

"What do I do Ashers" I asked as he sat next to me on the bed.


As we welcome our newest character Nixx, we also give a warm welcome to our loverly Francisco's POV.

Is this Okay Maddie?

Love, Love, Love Always L-J x

If It Wasn't For Him, I'd Have Made The Lethal Cut Years Ago.(boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now