Chapter 11:Date Time!

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This is dedicated to Maddie cause this is the date she's been waiting for! :D

Sorry for the lateness...


I nervously fiddled with the tie that I had loosely fastened around my neck, and grinned sheepishly when I saw that me and Andy had the same outfit on, different colours obviously!

"Hey, I think we look adorable!" Beamed Andy. I laughed and hurried him along to my car.

"We're gonna be late because of you admiring our adorableness!" I chuckled. Once in the car, I turned it on a backed out the driveway.


As we came close to the fair, Andy's eye got wider and wider.

"Oh my god! You brought me to a fairground!" He shouted. I instantly started to regret my chose of location.

"Erm, yeah. I know you can go to one whenever you want to in America, but in the UK, we only get the fair come once a year for a few days. So it's kind of a special and romantic tradition have dates at the fair." I explained. A grin broke out on his face.

"It's true about the fairgrounds back in America, but me and the guys, we don't really get chances to do that stuff with us being famous and all..." He trailed off, probably thinking of all that he could do once we get out of the car.

Suddenly, he screamed and grabbed my arm, shaking it. I had to take my left hand off of the wheel so we didn't swerve and smash into the other cars. I pulled into a parking space closest to the gates before Andy had a chance to get us killed.

"Christ Andy, what's got you so excited that you nearly just killed us?" I question. He smiles sheepishly at me and apologises.

"Adorable..." I muttered.

Andy's face scrunched up in confusion. "What?" he quizzed. I laughed and shook my head.

"Nothing. Come on, let's go!" I got out of the car and rushed round the other side just as Andy was about to open the door. I shook my head again and gave him my best smile, well that certainly stopped him.

After opening the door, I grabbed Andy's hand and pulled him out of the car, resulting in him falling against me. He looked up and our eyes locked onto each other. The urge to smash my lips against his grew into an aching need. I growled and did just that. He moaned against my mouth and tangled his fingers in my hair.

In a sudden rush of pleasure, I pushed him up against the side of my car. I ran my tongue against his bottom lip, seeking a chance to explore Andy's mouth. He refused to create me an entrance, so I decided to try a different method. My right hand snaked its way up to the bottom of Andy's back and started to caress that very spot. He gasped, moaned and grunted. I took the opportunity for my tongue to dive into the waiting cavern.

A sweet taste exploded in my mouth. My taste buds exploded in anticipation of more. I pulled back and smiled at Andy.

"Holy shit, Andy! How about we skip this and go back home?" I asked, a grin nearly splitting my face apart. He grinned and shook his head.

"Nah, no can do. I want to go on the rides." He replied, cranking up his puppy dog eyes to the max.

"Okay! Okay! We can go on the rides!" I caved, not being able to resist the puppy dog look for longer than five seconds. He jumped and grabbed my hand, pulling us into the fairground.


Five and a half hours after us getting here, Andy decides he wants candy floss. I was incredibly horny, after that last ride. Andy had decided to give me and hand job, but stopped when I was about to orgasm, and repeated it over and over again until the ride stopped.

"Fuck!" I groaned, letting my head drop against my chest. Andy stun around and gave me a sideways hug.

"What's wrong, Luke?" He asked, his face a picture of adorable confusion.

" You're such a tease, you know that right?" I grinned, kissing the side of his head. He laughed, snuggling his head into my neck.


"Yeah, pumpkin?"

"Can we go home? I'm tired." He yawned.

"Sure, come on then." I guided him towards the entrance/exit. We talked all the way to the car, and then all the way home in the car.

All in all, I'd say it has been a successful date. Hopefully, not the last one.

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Sorry for this being, way to late, but life got the better of me. Maddie, I hope you will love me?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2013 ⏰

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