Chapter 6:Black Veil Brides Play Hide And Seek!

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As we walked into my house, someone started playing Fallen Angels acoustic version in the music room. Awww crap! Nixx and Sasha squealed and legged it up the stairs and into my room. Once I reached my room I found the girls peeking though the little secret door that leads into the music room next door.

"OhMyBlackVeilBrides! Why the fuck are Black Veil Brides in your music room?!" Sasha whisper-shouted. I frowned and peek through the miniature door. The sight I saw made my blood boil!

I stormed out of my room and down the stairs.

"Luke! Wait! Can't you share the room?!" Nixx hollered. I spun round and nearly gave myself whiplash again.

"Share it?! Do you remember who payed for the room to be made and why no one but me is allowed in that room?! Do you?! Of course not! You only remember things that involve you!!" I shouted. She and Sasha share a look that means they think I'm insane. Franco came out of the kitchen with his new girlfriend, Tara. She treats me like a baby! She even pinches my cheeks and everything! I growled as she started coming towards me.

"What? Are you an animal as well as a fag too?!" She spat.

"What? Are you a camel as well as a cheating golddigga?!" I spat right back at her. And that was her cue to go pale.

"I-I don't have a clue what your talking about." She defended her self quickly. Franco stepped forward.

"Luke, just because you have something shoved up your ass doesn't mean you can take it out on Tara!" Franco shouted in my face. I glared and fished my phone out of my pocket and type in the number that I found earlier.

"If you don't believe me, then I'm pretty sure you'll believe this." I said and pressed call and put it on loudspeaker. After three rings a voice answered.

"Hello? Stevens residence how may help you?" An old women asked. Tara's eyes narrowed. I smirked at her.

"Can I speak to the newly married Mr. Stevens please?" I kindly ask the old women.

"One moment." The lady replied. I waited until I heard Mr. Stevens voice.

"Hello? Mr. Stevens speaking."

"Mr. Stevens! How nice to speak to you again!" I faked cheery voice and acted like one of his adult friends.

"Luke Stais?" He asked.

"The one and only!" I faked cheered again.

"It is nice to speak to you again, Luke! How you doing?" He asked, trying to make conversation.

"Never mind about me! Hows life with your new wife, Tara Stevens?" As I said Tara's name I glared up at her. He sighed.

"Well as great as it can get when she pretending to love someone else, you know?" I enquired.

"I can't say I have experience in this type of stuff, but I have a feeling of what your feeling." I replied. He sighed again, but this time it was with happiness.

"But on the positive side, she's pretending to love a very famous model. Oh, what was his name again? Fransico Lackosi or Larachski? Something like that." I chuckled.

"You mean Lachowski? Yes, he is quite famous, isn't he?" I recalled, still acting like I'm one of his adult friends. He chuckled to himself.

"Yes, that's him! I must say, she pick a good target! Doesn't your daughter like this Lachowski guy?" He wondered. I sighed and acted if I was annoyed, which was hard.

"Yes. She can't stop speaking about him and...Black Veil Brides!" I said with fake disgust, which turned into real disgust when I mention the band that invaded my private place. They all shared a look of hurt and confusion.

"Yes, well. I hope all this will be over soon. So we can take the money and move onto some one else soon and then run away into the country and live our lives, you know?" He sighed, but this time with sadness.

"Well, not to sound insulting, you really think this will work?" I asked. Now time for the grand finale.

"As long as no one else finds out then, yes, it will work out." He defended.

"Sorry but, no it wont. You see, I'm not really Luke Stais, I lied.  I'm Louchiarno Lachowski, Fransico Lachowski's little brother." I told him. Suck on that, bitch!

"" He stuttered.

"Didn't remember he a twin little brother and sister? Don't worry not many people do." I felt two people wrap their arms around my torso. I looked down to see Sasha and Nixx hugging me from either side. They smiled at me and snuggled closer into me.

"I...she never said...twins...?" He asked. I scoffed.

"Yes, twins. And maybe she didn't tell you cause he was too busy spending my brothers money! Don't worry, the police are on the way! Goodbye!" I hung up and pushed Nixx and Sasha out of the way when Tara threw herself at me. As soon as she smashed into me, we fell backwards and my head hit the table that held the house phone. I felt the blood run down the back of my head.

"LUKE!!" Everyone but Tara shouted. Andy and Ashley pulled Tara off of my and shoved her out the door. I got up with the help from Sasha and Nixx.

"I'm still mad at you guys, just so you know." I warned. Andy's face scrunched up in confusion.

"Why?" He asked. As if he didn't know!

"You went into my music room uninvited, and therefore, you invaded my personal space!" I shouted and left to my bathroom where Sasha stiched me up.

"Today was eventful wasn't it?" She giggled. I giggled along with her.

That was because I didn't know what would happen tomorrow...


I know it's late but I'm it is!!!

Chapter 7 is up soon!

Love, Love, Love Always L-J x

If It Wasn't For Him, I'd Have Made The Lethal Cut Years Ago.(boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now