Chapter 8:Wet Dream!

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For Maddie, because she's the bestest fan ever and always eggs me on to continue this story! She gave me the idea for this ickle chapter from her recent comments on chapter go check her out->  MaddieRawr354  

I shuffled into my bedroom to find Andy sat on my bed. I frowned and walked straight pasted him and into my en suite. I pulled my pants and boxers down, took a piss, pulled my boxers and pants up, then flushed. After washing and drying my hands, I turned round to see Andy stood in the doorway.

"Geez! Are you gonna be there everytime I fucking turn around?!" I questioned. He tilted his head to the side, looking as if he didn't understand english. "Fine, be that fucking way!" I shouted. I pushed past him and into my room. I walked over to my bed and pulled the alarm clock's wires out. Then I climed into bed and squeezed my eyes shut. I felt the bed dip and I turned away from whoever just sat on my bed, knowing full well it was Andy.

A hand grabbed my waist and pulled me on to my back. My eyes flew open to see Andy straddle my waist. I stared wide-eyed as he rubbed his lower parts on mine. I struggled to supress a moan and frowned. He bent down to whisper in my ear.

"Let it out, Louchiarno." The way he said my name was the trigger. I let out the biggest moan, ever.

"" Was all I managed to say in between moans. His head placed itself in my shoulder and I felt a wetness on my neck. I turned my head to the side to grant him more access.

I felt a sharp pain in my neck which brought pleasure crashing down on me. I wiggled my hips, resulting in a very deep sexy moan that came from deep in Andy's throat. Andy slipped his hands under my shirt and his hands started roaming around my chest and torso. As Andy kept sucking and biting my neck, I pulled at his shirt, hoping he'd get the message. He pulled back and I lent on my elbows and slid his top off slowly while kissing him roughly on the mouth. His top was in the corner off my room in no time, my shirt following after.

"No..." I said as he went back to my neck. I flipped us over and planted kisses all over his upper body. He moaned as I kissed and licked his navel. I gradually moved lower and lower as the need got stronger and stronger. I pulled at his pants, once I saw his happy trail, it was then that I knew that he wasn't wearing any boxers. I slowly and seductively pulled his pants down while staring at him and my teeth messing with my snakebites. His eyes went wide and his lips parted slightly.

Once his pants were off, I knew there was no going back. I lent down and took him in my mouth. He jerked at the sudden invasion. I moaned, causing a vibration, and he shivered.

"" He said through moans, but he didn't get to finish, seeing as he let out an enormous moan when I licked the head of his dick.

"LUKE!! GET YOU FAT LAZY ASS UP, NOW!!!" I fell back and stared at Andy. I frowned at him, woundering why he made me stop, seeing as he enjoyed it so much. I felt like I was shaking and look at myself to see hands on my chest, shaking me.


I bolted up in my bed, drenched in sweat, to come face-to-face with no other than Andy. I stared at him with wide eyes and mouth.

"Close your mouth, or you'll catch flies!" He laughed. My eyes got even wider, if that was possible.

"Wha'?!" I exclaimed. He chuckled and shook his head.

"Even though you looked to be having the best dream ever, I was told to wake up for school. Franco, Leo and Dirk have to go to see your maths teacher and the head." He said. I groaned and flopped back on my bed and covered my head and tried to go back to sleep. Andy grabbed my arms and pulled my halfway out of my bed.

"Ah, ah, ah! No you don't! It'll be my head in the trash can if you go back to sleep!" He warned. Heh, bitch, I don't care right now, I want my sleep!

"I WANT SLEEP!!" I shouted. Just then Alissiya walked into my room and slapped me in the face. I jumped up and pushed her into my bedroom wall.

"What the fuck are you doing here?! Who let you in?!" I shouted. Andy and Alissiya blinked at me.

"That would've been me." I spun round and found Franco in the door way.

"Why?! Did you forget why we kicked her out?!" I freaked out.

"She didn't know what she was saying and she cut, Lou..." Franco trailed off, probably remembering finding me. I ran over and hugged him, then turned to Alissiya and slapped her...hard.

"Don't even fucking say anything smart!" I warned when she went to talk. She pouted and I pulled  her into a hug. "Even though I can't forget what you said, cause it hurt that much, but I'm willing to trust you again," Her face lit up at the my sentence. "In time." I finished, then smiled. She giggled with me.

"Okay! I get it, but you have to change, don't you?" When I gave her a confused look she laughed and said, "The meeting at school?" She offered. My eyes grew wide when I looked at the clock.

"SHIT! WE'RE GONNA BE LATE!" I legged it into my walk-in-wardrobe and threw on a random outfit instead of my school uniform. Oh well! It's supposed to be non-uniform day anyway. I put my shoes on and grabbed my phone, Ipod, Beats by Dre, wallet and Ray Bans Avatars and set off down stairs and to my car that is now FIXED and it will definatly STAY FIXED! I got in and drove to school, followed by Franco, Leo and Dirk. Me and Alissiya messed about the whole way there.

Wonder what this meetings about...?? *clueless*


What's the meeting about?!?!?! The begining is for you Maddie!!!!! :D

Love, Love, Love Always L-J x

If It Wasn't For Him, I'd Have Made The Lethal Cut Years Ago.(boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now