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Haii guys!!

So the character played by: MaddieRawr354

Name: Nikita " Nixx" Bunndi

Appearence: Purple & black pigtails with bangs. Purple BVB hoodie & Black skinny jeans.

Purple and black bracelets, leather chocker. Violet eyes but people think their contacts.

There not because she's affraid of contacts.... they can get stuck in your eyeball!!

If you haven't guessed her favorite color yet, it's purple. So, that's the majority of her clothing

colors and everything else she owns.

Personality: Monotone. Smart. Understanding. Unique. Crazy. " Stalker"

(I only say this because she doesn't use front doors...she come in through windows and

scare the bajeebees out of people). BVB fan. Obsessive Slash fan (she will pay a boy

twenty to fifty pounds to kiss another boy, depending how hot they are...

and If she can take pictures. Who the fudge am I kinding, she'll take pictures without their

concent. hehe)

Persona: She is Luke's neighbor/ best friend. He knows she's crazy and loves her for it....

It's the quiet ones you have to watch out for. They've known each other ever since... well...


Moto(s): " Talk. Don't stalk. That way you look normal... then you can jump them from behind. ",

" I climb in your bedroom at night. You have a peaceful sleeping face" and

" Your comforter is soft just like your pillow. Is it plush?" Yeah. She's abit of a weirdo, but that's

what makes her great!

Problems: Was sent to an insane asylum when she was 10, she's now 15

(she skipped a couple years because she used her smarticles... most of the time),

but it was a mistake...or was it?! .... Either way my family sued. That's why she has lots of



I don't own any of this information it all goes to MaddieRawr354!

Go fan her, she's awesome!

Love, Love, Love Always L-J x

If It Wasn't For Him, I'd Have Made The Lethal Cut Years Ago.(boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now