Chresanto August

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Yn P.O.V:

Me and Chres have been dating for a while, but we still have not had sex yet. I was laying in my bed sleep, and I heard my phone ringing. I reached over in the dark and just picked up the call. I didn't look at who it was, I just picked up.

Yn: Hello?

I asked halfway asleep.


I groaned and turned over in my bed.

Yn: Chres its like 4 in the morning.

Chres: But its our 3 month anniversary.

Yn: Happy anniversary Chres.

Chres: what you doing?

Yn: About to hang up on you and go back to sleep.

Chres: No, you need to stay awake.

Yn: But baby, I need sleep.

Chres: Okay, lets make a deal. I'll let you go to sleep, but you have to be ready by 8 o'clock in the morning.

Yn: What Chres? I need my sleep.

Chres: And you will get a few more hours as long as you are ready at 8AM tomorrow morning.

I sighed and groaned before giving in.

Yn: Fine Chres. Just let me get some sleep please.

Chres: You sound so dann sexy when you tired. Just let me hear you say good night.

Yn: Good night babe.

Chres: Good night baby girl.

I hung up and took my ass right to sleep.

----------------in the morning---------------

I woke up again to my phone ringing. I reached over and picked it up answering the call.

Yn: Hello Chres.

Chres: Get up, its 7 and you need to get ready.

Yn: Okay, I'm getting up now.

I literally just rolled out of the bed and layed on the floor.

Chres: Get up.

I got up from the floor and went to the bathroom.

Yn: What do you want me to wear?

Chres: Just get dress, it doesn't matter.

Yn: Okay, I'm about to get in the shower babe.

Chres: Alright, imma be on my way in a little bit.

Yn: alright.

He hung up and I threw my phone back on my bed before starting the shower. I stripped from my bra and panties and hopped in the shower. I did my hygiene and hopped out of the shower. I out on my panties and srmtood in the mirror. I plugged in my curling wand and set out all of my make up. I started wand curling my hair and doing my make up. I only out on light make up. A little consealor, foundation, eyeshadow and highlighter. I did my eyebrows and finished up the front of my hair.I heard my phone ringing so I went to go answer it.

Chres: I'm on my way, be ready.

Yn: Okay, let me finish dang. Sexy ass.

He chuckled lightly at me.

Chres: Alright, hurry up baby.

I hung up and brushed my curls a little making then seem a little like waves. I unplugged the wand and walked out if my bathroom into my closet. I had to get cute for my baby its our anniversary. So I got dressed and put on my jewelry before putting my hat on.

I went back into my bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror

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I went back into my bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. My butt was poking. I mean its big, but dann I got a nice shape. Anyways I heard a knock at my door and went downstairs.

Yn: Who is it?

Chres: Stop playing.

I laughed and opened the door. As soon as I opened it I stopped laughing and my mouth dripped wide open. He stood there with a huge smile on his face and holding a lot of gifts.

 He stood there with a huge smile on his face and holding a lot of gifts

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He had a huge teddy bear, a gift bag and a duffle bag. He stepped inside and. I jumped on him wrapping my legs around him and my arms around his neck. I was speechless, I just kissed his face getting my lipgloss all over him.

Yn: Chres! All of this is for me?!

Chres: Happy anniversary princess.

I hopped down and we walked into the living room. He sat all if the stuff in the couch. He turned back around to face me and I jumped on him again. He fell back onto the couch and put his hands on my waist. I straddled his lap and kissed him roughly. We both moaned into the kiss. When I pulled away I bit his bottom lip tugging it then let it go. He smiled at me with those perfect ass teeth showing those cute ass fangs.

Yn: Thank you so much Chres. This is the sweetest thing any one has ever done for me.

Chres: You know I had to spoil my lil princess.

Yn: Just wait until you see what I have planned for you.

Chres: Now as much as I want to, we have to go.

Yn: What? Why?

Chres: I'm gonna spoil you rotten.

He got up off if the couch and still held me.

Yn: Ummm, Chres. I need to get down.

He let me down; I grabbed my keys and phone before we left. He made me so happy with the gifts. I went to my car first and got the bag out of the back. I put it in the trunk of his black dodge corvette. He opened the car door for me and I got in. He closed the door and went around to the other side. He got in and looked over at me.

Chres: You look fine as hell.

Yn: Thank you. You know you look really good too. Sexy man of mine.

Chres: Wait..... You got on a bra?

Yn: Nope.

Chres P.O.V:

She got some perky ass tits. I love her body. I got to spoil her. She make me happy, but I'm not done yet. She gonna be rotten by the time in done.

To be continued

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