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As soon as the bell rung, I got up and walked to the back of the classroom. I called my mom and waited for her to pick up.

"You on your way home?" She asked as soon as she picked up.

"No, I have to stay after school. I'm going to get some work done but I'll meet you and Dad at the restaurant."

"Okay, just call your father and I and let us know when you're on your way."

"Okay, I'll call him right now and tell him I'm staying. Love you mommy."

"Love you baby."

I hung up and called dad.

"Hey pumpkin."

"Hey dad, you still at work?"

"As usual, yes."

"You always leave out early for work. I don't get to see you in the morning."

"I'll see you in a little while."

"Yeah....about that. I'm going to stay after school for a little bit and get some stuff done."

"Alright pumpkin. Let me know."

"Okay, love you. later dad."

"Love you too."

I hung up and heard a voice whisper in my ear.

"I'll make you a read Daddy's girl."

Bryson's voice gave me chills. I pushed him away and turned towards him. I mugged him before I spoke.

"Leave me alone. You're the reason I'm in this mess."

I pushed past him and went to the vending machine. I bought some gummi bears and a fruit punch. My favorite snacks should get me through this. I walked to the detention room and sat down. I pulled out the homework I had for tonight and started on it. I plugged my headphones in and started looking for a song to play. Then the detention teacher, Mrs. Branagan, opened her big mouth.

"Young lady, there are no phones in detention. Put it away, now."

I rolled my eyes and put my phone and headphones away. Bryson walked in and Mrs. Branagan spoke again.

"Back again Mr. Tiller?"


"At least its just you two today."

"Right, because he's such a joy." I mumbled under my breath. I heard Mrs. Branagan chuckle.

He sat a seat away from me and I could feel his eyes on me. I ignored him and did my work. When Mrs. Branagan wasn't looking Bryson would throw little pieces of paper over to me. When he threw maybe the twelth piece of paper I looked over at him and scowled. He winked at me and I bit my lip trying not to smile. He is so annoying and attractive...I mean aggravating.

With about fourty-five minutes lift in detention Mrs. Branagan got up and started walking out.

"I'll be back. Don't move."

She walked out and Bryson got up from his seat. He walked over to my desk and stood over me.

"Why are you so upset? Get out your feelings? Such a fucking cry baby."

I stood up and looked up into his eyes.

"Why the fuck do you always try and bully me? Huh Bryson? Since the day I met you, you treated me like shit. Then you flirt with me. Are you fucking kidding me? Why bully me? Huh?! Answer me Bryson!"

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