Kelly Oubre

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I was currently at lunch with my best friend Fay when my phone buzzed, and I looked down at it. The notification read:

"Washington Wizards basketball team cought up in sex scandal."

I swiped the notification and it opened up. I read the details and saw that a girl had came forward and said she was raped by several members of the team. It read a list of names. The names of everyone who was eledigly involved in the sex scandal. When I didn't see Kelly's name I was relieved. Kelly and I have been married for four years and it is known by the world. We have a three year old son and are happily married.

"I have to go handle this."

I said to my best friend Fay who is married to Devin Booker. I didn't want to leave our lunch but I had to.

"Alright, love you."

I gave her the cash to pay for both of our lunches and got up, grabbing my purse.

"I love you too."

I got in my car and went to go pick up our son Kyrie from day care. I walked into Yolanda's day care and signed Kyrie out. I walked to the back and called his name.

"Kyrie! Kyrie! Mommy's here." I called.

"Mommy! Mommy!"

He ran over towards me and I picked him up. He kissed my cheek.

"I miss-ta-ded you mommy."

"I missed you too baby. Ready to go home?"

He nodded his head quickly and I smiled giggling at him.

"Lets go buddy."

I grabbed all of his things out of his cubby and carried him out to the car. I put him in the car seat and strapped him in. I got in the drivers seat and buckled up. I started the car and my phone began to ring. Kelly was calling. I picked up and put the phone to my ear.

"YN baby. Did you see?"

"Of course I saw it. We can talk about it when you get home."

"We have a press conference tomorrow. I'll be home later tonight."

I could hear the stress in his voice. I knew right about now he was running his hands down his face trying to stay calm.

"Don't stress about it babe. I'll work on the speech when I get home and put Kyrie down for a nap. I'll be up waiting for you to come home."

He sighed before he spoke.

"I don't know what I would do without you. Thank you so much baby. I love you."

"I love you too babe."

I hung up and placed my phone down into my purse. I looked back at Kyrie and smiled.

"You ready to go home and wait for daddy?"


He swung his little feet around and smiled his big goofy smile that he got from his father. I turned back around and pulled out of the parking spot.

About 20 minutes later when we pulled up to our home I got out and then got Kyrie out of the car. We walked into our huge house and I locked the doors and set the alarm.

I put Kyrie down in his seat at the island.

"You hungry baby?"

"Yes." He said as he smiled that cute little smile.

"Well what do you want to eat?" I said opening the fridge.

"Peanut butter jelly sandwich!"

"Okay." I managed to get out through a giggle. I grabbed the stuff to make a peanut butter jelly sandwich and sat it on the counter.

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