Kofi Siriboe

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Kofi P.O.V:

Today is my baby's day. She is finally graduating from college. She goes to USC, The University Of South California. She's 21 and has worked so hard to get her degree in film and tv/movie production.

We were on the phone last night

"You graduate tomorrow. You excited?" I asked her with a smile on my face. She huffed and spoke.

"Of course I'm excited, but I just wish you could be there."

"I know. I'm sorry baby. I'm stuck in New Orlines. I should be back no more than two days after your ceremony."

I could hear her make that little noise she does when she pouts as I finished packing my cloths in my suitcase.

"Well, at least we can spend time together when you get back." She sounded a little happier, but not as happy as she usually is.

"We can do whatever you want as soon as I get back. Okay?"

"Okay. I should really go to sleep, I've got to get up early for rehearsal tomorrow."

"Alright, night baby."

"Night babe." She hung up the phone and I made sure I had everything before I checked out and headed to the airport.


I was now on my way to my baby's graduation. I can't wait to see her. When I got there I went through the back door while the graduates went through the side door. I went back stage and saw a lady walking around with a clipboard. I assumed that was the stage director. I tapped her on the shoulder and she quickly turned around.

"I'm Sheila- the stage manager. I know who you are, I've been waiting. You can have a seat right here. When she comes up to give her valedictorian speech then you can come from behind the curtain and join her."

"Okay, thank you."

I sat down and got on my phone while I waited for the ceremony to start. When it finally did, it took forever for them to get past talking about nothing. They started calling names and when they got close to my baby's name I grabbed the flowers, chocolate, card and balloons I got for her.

"Now for our valedictorian YFN YLN."

I could hear her heels clicking on the stage and her lightly tap the mic.

"Hello everyone."

I slowly stepped from behind the curtain and walked up behind her. The audience cheered quietly with small squeals. I leaned my head over her shoulder and spoke.

"Hey baby."

She immediately turned around and squealed. She wrapped her arms around my neck and stood on her tippy toes even with her heels on. I wrapped my arm around her waist and the crown cheered. She looked up at me and I placed a soft kiss on her forehead.

"I'm proud of you baby."

Her eyes were starting to water and I kissed her forehead one more time. I grabbed her hand as she stood at the mic and spoke her piece.

"Hey everyone. I'm YN and this is Kofi."

I leaned over her shoulder and spoke into the mic.

"Her boyfriend."


As soon as he said that I looked up at him with my mouth open in shock. Did he just--?

I turned to face him completely and he smiled his wide beautiful white smile at me. My lip started to quiver as he held tight onto my hand. He stepped up to the mic and sat the gifts on the podium. He handed me the balloons and wrapped his arms around my waist. He leaned down and placed his head on my shoulder. before speaking into the microphone.

"Hi, I'm Kofi Siriboe. I know alot of you may know me but ya'll don't know that I am very proud of this beautiful woman right here. We've been together since her first year of college and I'm so happy she could stick with me. I've stayed up with her countless nights while she did the work and put in the time. I know that I couldn't have asked for a better woman to be mine. I love you baby."

My face was covered in tears and I sniffled.

"I l-love you too." I breathed you in deep huffs. he kissed my cheek and wiped my tears as everyone awed. I took a few more breaths before I spoke.

"Sorry if this seems kind of long winded guys." I giggled and the crown laughed and Kofi chuckled.

"I don't know what to say I thought he wasn't going to be able to come today and see me graduate. I--I um don't know what I would do without him. He told me he couldn't make it but still went out of his way to be here with me. I'm happy I had him to push me and make sure I did what I had to. There were times when I just wanted to talk to him and do nothing but he always bargained with me and flashed that smile and I just couldn't resist. I'm proud of myself. I never thought I would make it this far, let alone be valedictorian. So for all of us: CONGRATULATIONS CLASS OF _ _ _ _!"

Everyone threw their caps in the air but I turned to Kofi and pulled mine off. I put it in the way so no one could see us as I placed my lips on his and kissed him. His lips were soft and the kiss was meaningful. I love being with Kofi and don't think I could have done it without him.

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