Lil Yachty pt.2

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Its been about a week since I seen Miles and I was finally ready to talk to him. I texted Miles and told him I was on my way.

 I texted Miles and told him I was on my way

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I drove to his house and got out of the car. I walked up his porch and stood in front of the door. I took a deep breath and knocked. I waited a few seconds and he finally came to the door. He looked in my eyes before letting his eyes scan over my body. I had on my black sweatpants with my black and white crop top. I had on my booties with the buckles and my silver chain. My hair was in its natural messy bra strap length curls with a side part in it.

 My hair was in its natural messy bra strap length curls with a side part in it

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"YN you look..." I raised my eyebrow at him and he stopped.

"Come in." He stepped to the side and I walked in. I kinda miss living here with him. The house doesn't look the same. He layed a lot of pictures face down and there were a few big one in the corner facing towards the wall. I sat down on the couch in the living room and he stood in front of me.

"Lets talk." He said as he stood there with his hands in his pockets. I looked up at him and nodded my head. We made eye contact and he continued talking.

"Like you said last time, I fucked up. I know I should have payed attention to you and made sure you were good. But you have to understand I'm really important too."

I scoffed and put my head down chuckling sarcastically.

"What was that?" I said with my head still down.

"Come on now, I'm really important YN."

This nig--. Everybody knows that when a woman asks you to repeat yourself that is your chance to correct yourself. Its a chance for you reevaluate what you just said. I looked back up at him and cocked my head to the side a little.

"Are you kidding me? You were off to a good start by admitting you fucked up, but you seriously thought I never considered you important?"

"Clearly you didn't! You left me because I was focused on music!"

I stood up and stepped to him.

"Are you fucking kidding me? I put you first! Always! I moved out here with you, for you! I was the one who stayed up late night with you knowing I had work in the morning! I helped you with your music and made sure you were alright! I made sure you ate! Made sure you slept well! I took care of everything you didn't have time to do! I was--!"

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