Chapter 24: The Countdown

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Ella's POV

I walked into the dark jungle with one thing on my mind... Peter. He is such a bipolar freak. One minute he is kind and expressing his love through gifts, kisses and dates and the next he is getting angry, screaming and yelling. I get his frustration but he doesn't need to be a jerk, I asked a genuine question, would he ever trade me for youth? Of course, he flipped and we broke it off.

Suddenly, I heard a swooshing sound and I spun around, my hands up in a battle stance. I saw Rumpelstiltskin appear with a giggle and a smirk.

"Well hello dearie, I see you and your true love had a bit of an argument, didn't you?" he said with a giggle.

"None of your business!" I snapped, "Why are you here?"

He strolled over and waved his hand. My glowing, red heart appeared and my glare dropped.

"What is it? have you finally decided to not force me to kill Peter. Finally!" I cheered.


"What?" I asked.

"Pan" he repeated, "His name isn't Peter, its Pan"

"Sorry" I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes. "What is it anyway?"

"Change of plans" he told me, "You are killing Pan in 2 days!"

Pan's POV

I wandered back to camp in a bad mood. If any of the lost boys annoy me today then I will not hesitate to kill them. I can't believe Ella just ended it like that. I admit, I wasn't the most understanding person but I try, she doesn't. We have so much drama in our lives it isn't funny. I just hope Ella is okay, Neverland is a dangerous place.

"Boys!" I yelled, "Ella has left us"

The lost boys looked at each other and sighed, some crying.

"But never fear, she hasn't left the island, yet. I need you to track her down and bring her back to camp. Beware, she wont come willingly but I need you to bring her back" I told them.

Some started pulling out their weapons and I frowned.

"Without hurting her" I added and they put their weapons away.

"Now go!" I yelled and they scatted, leaving me to my thoughts.

"Well look what the great Peter Pan has become" mocked a voice.

"Ah, Rumpelstiltskin!" I smirked, "How are you? Still grieving over the loss of your wife? Or is it your son, I hear he left you too!"

His smirked dropped and he glared at me.

"What?" I faked innocence, "I was just making conversation"

He continued to glare and I took that as a cue to keep talking.

"So what do you want, why are you here?" I asked him.

"I have a warning"

"What is it?!" I spat, "I have other business to attend to"

"You mean Ella?" I smirked, "I saw her in the dark jungle. Lovely girl too, I might just have to keep her"

"If you touched her..." I said, pointing a finger at him.

"Calm down, I haven't touched her, yet"

"What is your warning!?" I snapped.

"A little on edge I see"

"Get on with it!"

"I just wanted to warn you that you might wanna watch your back. Things are about to change and these changes will rip you and the ones you love apart. Remember, sometimes the ones we should fear are the ones closest to us!" he spoke.

And with that, he disappeared.

Ella's POV

I thought about what Rumple had said. 2 days, I can't dot that, let alone kill Peter at all. I can't believe I am getting forced to kill the man I love because of Rumpelstiltskin. I will find a way to get my heart back, I just know it.

I felt a presence and before I could turn around....

I blacked out.




Sorry the chapter is short, I will update soon.

don't forget to...




~ Jarni

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