Chapter 19: Forgiveness... maybe

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Pan's POV

I decided to give Ella a bit of space for a while. If I wanted her to forgive me then another argument definitely wouldn't help. When I left the tent, I saw her exit the tent and go into the woods. I sent one of the lost boys to go after her and make sure she was okay. When she was gone, I went to my thinking tree and sat down for a while. Jacob touched my girl, I made him pay. Simple! I don't get why Ella doesn't understand that.

I mean, as much as I want to be the good guy for her, love and cherish her, I still have a dark side, its just who I am. She can be an angel at times but then she goes and kills Tinkerbell, we aren't really that different. I sat down at the brink of my thinking tree and sighed. It is so hard, a pirate and a lost boy trying to be together. I decided that it was time for Jacob's second round of punishment. I just wish that Ella was more understanding, I do this for her, to keep her safe.

Ella's POV

I decided to go for a walk, to try and clear my head. I saw the blood on Peter's hands, I know he has hurt Jacob. I trekked through the jungle, trying to find a good place to rest. I knew that Peter had sent one of the lost boys to look after me. It was usually one of Peter's strength's, stealth, but I think he wanted me to know that he still wants to protect me. He is so difficult, so sweet one minute, a demon the next. I just wish he was more understanding, I do it for him, to help him control the darkness.

I found a nice part of the jungle to rest in and sat down for a minute. just as I was going to fall asleep, I heard an ear piercing scream. I was about to run after the noise when I noticed the lost boy staring at me. I couldn't have him following me, he'd tell Peter. So I did what any normal human being would do, I knocked him out with a sleeping spell.

When I was sure he was out, I ran down to follow the noise. It came again, from mermaid lagoon and I chased after it. I ran as fast as my legs could carry me, tripping over a few sticks on the way. when I reached the edge of mermaid lagoon, the most horrifying sight awaited me. Jacob was hanging over the edge of the lagoon by some of the lost boys, ready to be tortured by the mermaids. But what was worse was that my true love, Peter Pan, was standing there, watching, smirking and laughing.

I walked out of the bushes, fists balled up in anger. When Peter noticed me, he signalled for the lost boys to stop. They released Jacob and when Peter saw my face, his dropped from its cocky smirk into a worried, cautious glance.

"Ella?" he asked, "My love, what are you doing here?"

I spoke, my voice breaking a little, but remaining calm. "I decided to go for a walk, when I heard a scream. I followed it here and I saw you torturing Jacob"

"Ella, I can explain!"

My calm manner was gone!

"You can explain!" I yelled, "You can justify torturing a human and make it okay, can you? Because I'd love to see you try!"

His face became red and his fists balled up. He nodded at the lost boys, signalling them to take Jacob away. When they left, it was only Peter and I at the lagoon.

"I gave you a second chance" I said, practically in tears. "Why would you blow it?"

His once balled up fists came apart and he sighed. "Ella, as much as I want to be okay with the fact he kissed you, I'm not"

"I know, but that still doesn't give you the right to torture him!"

He stepped a bit closer and engulfed me in a hug.

"I want to believe you've changed" I told him, "But I'm not sure if it's true"

I felt a warm tear trickle down his cheek and onto my blouse and I hugged him tighter.

"I know" he said, "And I want to change, truly, but I am always going to be jealous of you and him"

I smiled up at him and sighed. "There is nothing going on between me and Jacob"

He looked surprised. "Really?"

I laughed. "Of course not, dummy. How could I ever love anyone other than you?"

"Fair point. I am just too handsome"

"Well, Jacob was a pretty good kisser" I teased.

He glared at me.

Then I turned serious. "Peter, even though I have hugged you and we have made up, I don't forgive you. If you want me to forgive you then you have to do something big, something unheard of"

He chuckled. "Can do"

"Cocky much?"

He smirked. "Not cocky love, confident!"

"And why is that?" I asked.

"Because Peter Pan Never Fails!"

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