Chapter 25: To die would be an awfully big adventure

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Ella's POV

I woke up with a bump on my head and a huge migraine. I could hear yelling and shouting coming from near me but I couldn't open my eyes to see who it was. When I managed to get my eyes to open, I heard voices. I recognized them immediately, it was Peter, Felix and Jason, one of the lost boys.

"Why did you knock her out, you won't meant to harm her!" Peter yelled at Jason.

"I know Pan" retaliated Jason, "She put up a fight"

"Nonsense. I know Jason, he's lying" Said Felix.

"Oh Please Felix..." began Jason but stopped when he noticed I was awake.

"No" I said nonchalantly, "Please, keep going on about the details of my kidnapping" directing my glare at Peter.

He shrugged his shoulders. "I was protecting you. You don't know how many killer things are in Neverland's jungles"

"Gee, thanks Peter. I ask you to give me some space and so you decide to kidnap me!" I yelled.

He tried to speak but I cut him off.

"No! you don't get to speak! You gave up that right when you kidnapped me against my will. What were you thinking?!" I told him.

"I was thinking about keeping you safe, I'm sorry for caring!"

"Don't you get it!?" I yelled, making everyone stop and stare. "I don't need you to help me or care for me. I don't need you!"

His face turned from a look of sadness to anger.

"Don't you talk to me like that!" he yelled at me, "I am Peter Pan and I will not be spoken to by a child!"

"If I am a child then you are an old man, Mr. 500 years old!"

"Don't you dare...." He screamed, his hand flying up choking me.

I gasped for air, clawing at my neck to try and get out of his grip. Felix lunged at him, knocking his hand away and me falling to the ground. I heard a whisper in the back of my mind.

Now, kill him now....

Rumple? I thought. Then I panicked, he wants me to kill Peter now. Now!

Against my will, a dagger materialized in my hand and I made my way towards Peter. I tried to stop myself but I couldn't. He was unconscious from Felix tackling and all the lost boys except Felix had left when Peter and I started arguing. Felix saw what I was doing and he grabbed me to stop me from stabbing Peter.

"I can't stop it!" I told Felix.

"Why? What is going on? Why are you trying to kill him" he asked, struggling to hold me back.

Suddenly, like I was let out of my hypnotic state, I stopped and dropped the dagger. I turned to Felix and burst into tears.

"Rumpelstiltskin has my heart. He is forcing me to kill Peter and there is nothing I can do about it. I just don't know what to do"

I saw Peter stir, signaling he was waking up. "Please don't tell Peter" I begged Felix, "I will find a way to stop it but please don't tell him. I will distance myself from him until I do"

Felix nodded his head and I saw Peter open his eyes. When he saw me he jumped back into action. A sword materialized in his hands and he pointed it at me.

"Really Peter, you are going to kill me? I am the only one allowed to be angry! You kidnapped me instead of leaving me alone, then blamed it all on me, like this is all my fault" I yelled.

"I am sorry Ella but until I get you back and you love me then I must keep you somewhere that I know you cant escape, somewhere you are familiar with and know that no matter what you try you can't escape me, or our love!"

"You are crazy!" I yelled at him, as he whistled to one of the lost boys to take me away. "A psycho!"

"Take her to the echo caves!" he yelled.

"I will never love you!" I yelled at him, "Never!"

And for the first time in years... I actually meant it!

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