Chapter 109

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Top left corner: Kian, mad at Y/n.

Top middle: Cam and Y/n at Hawaii.

Top right corner: Nash and Hayes on FaceTime with Cam.

Bottom: Y/n's pregnancy test.

"We're here today with Y/n! And may I just say how beautiful you look today?" Ellen introduced me.

The crowd went wild. It's crazy how just a year ago, people didn't know who I was, and now everyone knew me, and I was in the freaking Ellen Show!!

"Awe, thank you Ellen." I blushed.

"We're also here with Cameron Dallas." Ellen introduced Cam.

"Hey everyone, how's it going." Cam waved at the camera as all the girls in the audience flipped out.

"So, for those of you who don't know, Y/n here, of only 18 years of age, dropped her first ever album called Staying Basic. Now, why don't we start off by you explaining the tittle of your album and the song Staying Basic?" Ellen asked.

"Well, Staying Basic is a song I wrote for all my fans. I get asked on a daily basis on social media whether or not fame will change me. Like if I'll change who I am just to fit in, in the industry. And in that song, I basically explain how I will never change and turn into someone I'm not. If that's what I have to do in order to move on with my career, then I'll just stop making music. I will always stay basic." I explained to Ellen.

"Yeah I see. And you have made a very good decision in starting off your first album by stating what you believe in and standing next to it." Ellen smiled.

"This was actually the last song she wrote of the whole album. She didn't know what she was going to name the album until she finished this song." Cam went on.

"Now, I've heard a couple of rumors about the song The Feeling.." Ellen smirked.

Cam and I couldn't stop smiling and giggling.

"What did I say?!" Ellen laughed.

"Which rumor did you hear? There's been a couple rumors trying to decide who certain songs are about." Cam chuckled.

"Well, I heard that I wonder if was about Kian Lawley. And that The Feeling was about, former boyfriend, Carter Reynolds." Ellen read off of her cards.

"I wonder if isn't really about anyone. It's just a song I was inspired to write after watching a movie. And The Feeling is not about Carter." I smiled.

"But it is about someone, since you didn't deny it!" Ellen shouted excitedly.

I laughed nervously looking down at my hands and then back up.

"Yeah. It is written about a certain boy, who I've had feelings for, for a long time." I blushed.

"Do we know this guy? Have you been seen with him before?" Ellen asked curiously.

"Many times." Cam chuckled.

"Oh! So you know who it is!?" Ellen sounded even more excited than before.

"IT'S ABOUT CAMERON!" A girl in the audience yelled.

"Well I'm guessing she ships you two." Ellen chuckled.

"Well she's right." I blushed, hugging Cam's arm as the crowd went wild!

"IT'S CAMERON!?" Ellen asked shocked.

meant to be || c. d. ||  *UNDER MAJOR EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now