Continued :)
STEIN LOOKED HORRIFIED AS HE FELT THE IMMORTAL DIE! "It looks like time ran out, Kyubi's dying, Fusagi's paralyzed completely and Mira's way too weak to even hurt them... Yui didn't make it there in time.". MEANWHILE MIRA CRIED AS KYUBI WHISPERED QUIETLY "This is surely pathetic, a werewolf of all things, protecting the one's who kills his own kind... It is surely disgraceful. It is because of you soldiers, treating me like a human... Mira you are the only person who truly respected me... I only have to tell you one more thing, I kinda saw... your buttocks... you were passed ou...". Mira screamed "UWAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!", the girl glared as she prepared a spell! "MASTARKO!!!!!", Vassago freaked as he saw her energy! "Power level, 2800!!!? just as I thought, it must be her period!". Cabbage leered when he heard Vassago! She fired the spell! The giant easily slaps it away!!!! Mira trembles as he protested "That's so wrong! I didn't even hurt you!!". Fusagi thought as she tried to stand "What the freaking hell!!!?", Mira spoke to Kyubi's body "Kyubi...I'm... sorry... I wasn't able to do anything... I can't even... run... anymore...". Cabbage walked to her as she fell from complete loss of energy! "Time for modern art!", he stomped through the ground!!!! Everyone looked surprise when they didn't hear Mira crunched!!! They saw her floating safely away? Mira looked surprised, Vassago then noticed Yui floating over head! Telekinetically moving her BFF, (With what little PK power she has) she lands in front of Vassago! He leers excited "It's about time you bimbo", Yui glared at them as he continued "You're not going to make some ridiculous speech about "girl power" are you?". Yui sensed her friends bodies... "Kyubi...", Mira chimed "He died trying to save me...". "Zolo!!!?, Seirro!!!" Yui continues as she couldn't feel them there anymore... Cabbage leered "There was another 1, but he blew the fuck up... But... don't cry, we can play with you too! If you wet my "beak", we'll still let you join us!". Yui looks upset "You killed Chiba too???", she walked toward him!!!? Cabbage leered "Awww, don't worry it'll all be better... NOW!!!", he suddenly punched at Yui! He and Vassago looked surprised to see her standing by Mira and Fusagi!!!? "Sorry I'm late, here♪ The civilians gave them to me!" she said, Fusagi looked at the beans "What!!? Are they retarded? How are beans going to help in a fight!!!?". Yui giggled "They're grown by soul sucking water, it has the opposite effect when in vegetables", Fusagi and Mira ate 1 "We shouldn't, we won't be much help...". Yui smiles warmly "If you don't eat it, I'll throw it away!!!", Fusagi stood up after she swallowed the bean! "Heh heh heh". Yui then smiles "Fusagi, you're Soul Reaction was so strong, I could feel from Dr Stein's laboratory!", the psychic smiled "I thought I was stronger too, but... They're too strong, I let everyone die.". She turned towards her BFF "Mira, you're much stronger too!", she smiled worried "I am, but they could've eaten us all alive. I'm glad they only want to murder us...". Fusagi frowns "All 3 of us can beat them! With you here, Yui, we should be able to take at least 1 of them down!", Yui replied "Yeah♪ but I think you should stay back, I don't want you to get hurt!". Fusagi amd Mira tried to stop her "That's crazy!!! Even for you, their strength is unbelievable!", "She's right Yui!!!". Yui turned towards the djinn, she glared!!! Fusagi grabbed Mira and pulled her back "We better do as she says...", she thought as she felt Yui's Soul Reaction "It's like she's a different person! I've never seen Yui so angry before...". She walked towards Cabbage, he smiled "Don't make a face like that! I didn't mean to break the ding dongs, they were too soft...", Yui glared "You're gonna pay for this!". The earth shook!!! The djinn looked scared as Vassago saw her level! "7000... 8000... I can't believe it!", Cabbage turned towards him "V... Vassago, what does your Devil Eye say about her power level!!!?". Vassago turns his off, "IT'S... over 9000...". Cabbage yelled "Why did you say it like it's nothing!!!?", Vassago answered smiling "It has to be broke... that's impossible!". Yui thought out loud "I probably won't need Kaio Soul", he suddenly rushed her "Vassago's right you're..., We're...". He then felt her kick him in the ground!!! Everyone looked surprised as Cabbage stood up "When did you get behind me?"!!!! She then turned towards him with a disappointed look... Cabbage freaked!!! "DON'T STARE AT ME LIKE THAT!!! D, D, DADDY I'LL DO BETTER!!! WATCH ME BE THE STRONGEST DJINNN EVER!!!!!", He suddenly charged Yui, hitting as fast as he could!!! Everyone looked surprised as they noticed after he stopped, Yui was watching him from far away. She suddenly rushes him! Cabbage looked up in surprise to see her standing on his head! He tried to grab her, but then felt her hit his stomach hard!!! He writhed in pain as she says "That was for Chiba.". He tried to kick her, she punched him to a mountain! "That was for Seirro!", he bounced off the mountain "Filthy meanie!!!". He threw the same spell he threw at Mira!!!! Yui let it hit her chest, it disappeared!!!? She then flew over Cabbage!! "This is for Zolo!", she double fisted him to the ground! She suddenly appears by him before he landed! "This is for Kyubi!!!". She kicked him into a mountain!! He jumped out crying!!! "DAMMIT ALL!!! DAMMIT ALL!!!! I AM THE BEST DJINN EVER, YOU WON'T MAKE ME LOOK LIKE A FOOL!!! VASSAGO YOUR A LIER!!! MEANIE!..". Vassago interrupted him as the soldiers cheered for Yui "CABBAGE! SNAP OUTTA IT! CALM YOUR HEAD, AND YOU'LL REALIZE SHE'S NOT UNBEATABLE!!!", he leered "Thanks Vassago, I... wasn't thinking...". He smiles at Yui "You made me really mad, but... now I'll show you what I really can do! ♪", Yui smiles too "That's more like it!". Cabbage used Soul Star once more!!! He flips her the bird, she flew away before the explosion engulfed her!!! He flew towards her and tried to hit her, "That was much better♪" she laughs. Cabbage laughed "Oh... you like that move!!! Watch this, my best move!", he fired a beam out of his mouth!!! Yui used Soulmeha to stop the laser!!! Vassago glared as the explosion almost pushes him and the girls away! "Damn her, I got dirt everywhere!!! I just washed my fricking hair!", Yui looked shocked "Phew, that could've hurt me seriously...". Cabbage freaked out "What the fuck!!!? That was my strongest move, and you brushed it away like it was nothing!!!", Vassago shouted "THAT'S ENOUGH CABBAGE! I'LL FINISH HER MYSELF!!!". Cabbage started crying "DON'T GIVE ME THE PUPPY DOG EYES, I SAID I'LL DEAL WITH KARIS AI MYSELF!", Cabbage glared at Yui "DAMN YOU TO HELL! MAKING ME SURRENDER YOU TO VASSAGO!". He floats down... "Orders are orders, but I'll get me some booty before I go!", He flies towards Mira and Fusagi!!!! Yui flies after him! "I won't make it!", Cabbage opens his mouth to attack... "Swiggety swooty, coming for that booty!". He suddenly hears Yui "KAIO SOUL!", she flew into his back!!! Then appears on the ground holding the giant over her head!!! She throws him to Vassago! "He can't fight anymore... I'll heal him, but leave earth and take him with you!.
HumorA parody of many anime series! Love subtly funny, idiot humor? Read this twist on some of my favorite series! (Finished due to wattpad's restrictions... See this site to read whole thing