YUI FLEW UP TOWARD THE COLOSSAL TITAN YELLING "He's right here! If we can stop him, he might join us! C'mon!", she lands on the edge as she waves at him... "Hi there! You're the Colossal titan?". He suddenly swings his arm!!! Yui flies, dodgeing as he destroys all the cannons! She stretches her arm, grabbing his, then pulls herself onto him! Yui runs toward his neck!!! He aimed for the artillery! He IS intelligent, that means if I beat him, it's possible he'd change his mind about eating everyone!", she stretches toward his shoulder, then swings around to his back!!! "Gum Bazooka!!!" the soldier speeds to his neck!!! Steam suddenly pushes her back, she pushed forward and punched, to see he disappeared!!!? Yui lands on the side of the wall, as her friends look over "The colosal asshole disappeared? You've better not have stolen my spotlight!" Zolo shouts, Seirro walks to him "Listen "Genuis", when people die, they usually leave a fucking body!". Yui flies up "Sorry, he got away...", the deamon answered "There's no time to worry about suddenly screwing up: Titans will be here any mome...". Salem soldiers suddenly fly to the wall "What the living shit?!!! There's A FUCKING HOLE in the FUCKING WALL!!! Get your goddamned fingers out of eachother's buttholes and report to hq!!!? Fuck...", they go back to Salem academy and are divided into seperate squads to evacuate people, and kill titans. Chiba whispers to his friends before they're seperated "Did you hear what the plan was for the wall?", Mira turns "What? They have someone with chang ki powers for cement or metal? Maybe electric wall/fence hybrid thing?". He sighed "Oh... That'll be too much, God forbid they'd use something like that: They're going to use a boulder, about the same size as the hole that was kicked and move plug it... I might go back home: after Salem's gone, we should come back and stop them...", later a Salem avatar finished shouting to the soldiers "Oh, and as you're aware, deserting is a capital offense! Be prepared to sacrifice your lives! DISMISSED!!!". Fusagi whispers as everyone leaves "If the battle get's too dangerous, come find me! I'll protect you, I'm not sure if these people are really... completely "there"...", Yui smiles " Alright! But don't worry! This'll be easy, plus I haven't got to fight for months!". Later Yui, Mira Zolo and Salem soldiers stand on a roof "I can't wait! I'm going to fight as hard as I can!!!" Yui giggles, Mira answers "The last time you got to fight was with Father, and even that was really short, right?". Another soldier and Zolo interrupted "Sorry, but this'll be so freaking hard, compared to Father...", "That's why I'll beat more than you can!". Yui smiles "We'll see Zolo!", they hear another soldier "Squad 34, advance!!!". Everyone flies off the roof "YEAH!!!!!", they see titans already eating people!!! Yui suddenly hears someone "IT'S A ABNORMAL!!!!", everyone dodges as a titan suddenly jumps on a roof!!! They look surprised to see Zolo in it's mouth!!! "Fuck!!! How the hell did I get bit 1st!!!? Le...", it swallows him whole then walks away... Yui flies after it, but get's her leg bitten off!!! The Salem soldiers watch, then run. away to be eaten by other titans... Mira watched Yui in terror "My BFF's bleeding out, and I'm too freaked to...", santa claus walks up to her as she froze, then puts her in his mouth!!! Mira snaps out of it, and tries to fly out!!! She sees Yui fly to the entrance!!! She grabs Mira's hand, and throws her onto a building!!! Mira turns "YUI!!!", the soldier giggles "I'm fine! You think I'm going to die? All I have to do is..." tries to use "Soul Star!!!", but Santa bites off her arm, then swallows her!!! Mira screams as she watched her BFF be swallowed!!! Meanwhile Fusagi feels Yui's soul response fade fast... Meanwhile Salem soldiers try to use artilery to stop the titans as the humonculi easily grab others, hard enough to kill them... Everyone freaks as they watch eachother be eaten... Meanwhile at the evacuation gate people try to get by a truck, that's stuck inside... "The hell you'd even try to drive that through here!!!?" a civilian cried, the trucker shouted "I deliver yer food, plus... there's titans everywhere else!!! Help push my truck through, then we can all get by!!!". People try to pushing it, as another abnormal titan runs to them!!! It suddenly imploded!!!? Fusagi lands in front of the body, and runs to the crowd "I thought evacuation was going slowly... What are you doing?", the trucker shouted "Trying to push my truck through! Instead of running your damn mouth, help me get through the turn...". The truck suddenly "squeezed" down!!!? Then floats to the side, as everyone ran through!!! A girl runs up to the psychic "Thanks miss!!! Um... how'd you do that?", Fusagi giggles "It's nothing... like that jerk.". She floats onto a rooftop, then creates two more blades "It's easy to kill titans... it's just keeping calm while watching this. I'll have to use these until I'm used to it for the moment...", she suddenly hears the evacuation bell... The gate closed as a Salem soldier ran to her "We're providing cover for the advance guards withdrawl". Fusagi flies to the Salem academy, "They heard the bell...". She sees titans covering the building, meanwhile Zolo glared at the academy, Seirro walks up to him "I thought you died...". The bushin reorted "Shut up!!! I can't die that easily, he should've chewed me!!!". He then turns back toward the Salem academy "Right now... pretend you shouldn't focus on my life: those dickwads in the building are too weak to leave, leaving their fellow pissants stranded...", Seirro adds "They lost the will to fight, so the soldiers without powers can't get the supples they need...". Zolo laughed "Hilarious isn't it!!!", Seirro sighed "..."
To Be Continued... :C
HumorA parody of many anime series! Love subtly funny, idiot humor? Read this twist on some of my favorite series! (Finished due to wattpad's restrictions... See this site to read whole thing https://www.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=689331196490385...