chapter 15

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Jacobs P.O.V


Suzzie is going to give birth any day now. We learned she is having one baby and we wanted to wait to see what the sex is. You know when they say pregnant women are hormonal well it's not true with Suzzie. Right now she is sitting on the floor eating ice cream and watching Grease. Then out of nowhere she gasps and clutches her round stomach. I run over to her and put a hand on her stomach.

"What's wrong?" I asked and she cried out again.

"My water just broke!" She screams and holds her stomach.

"Shit." I say under my breath and pick her up and brought her to the doctor's room and laid her on the bed. She screams again and clutches my hand.

"Shh baby it's going to be ok Shh." Kelly runs into the room and hooks up Suzzie to machines and takes off her panties.

"Ok it looks like you are ready to push so when I saw push, push ok?" said Kelly and Suzzie nodded her head. "Ok push!" and Suzzie gripped my hand and pushed with everything in her. It felt like my hand was going to snap in half.

"Come on baby you can do this." I whisper into her hear as she lies back down.

"Ok push." Said Kelly again and Suzzie pushes. "Ok I see the head only a couple more pushes."

Fifteen minutes later Suzzie gave birth to a healthy baby boy we named Jace. He is 9 pounds and 10 ounces and has brown eyes and brown hair like Suzzie but his facial features are like mine. Suzzie is asleep so I walk out with Jace in my arms and saw Ted and Amy sitting on the couch with Chris. When I walked out they all looked up and came over to me. Chris runs over and hugs my legs. I bend down and Chris looks at Jace.

"Chris this is your baby brother. His name is Jace." And when I said Jace's name he opened his eyes and gave us a toothless smile. Chris smiles back and Jace takes one of Chris's fingers in his tiny hands and holds onto Chris. When Jace lets go I stand back up and walk over to Ted and Amy. I place Jace in Ted's arms and he looks down at Jace with wonderment. After awhile Amy takes Jace from Ted's arms. After awhile Jace started to cry and I took him into my arms and said goodnight to everyone and walked into my bedroom and placed Jace into his cradle and went back into the doctor's room and picked up Suzzie and placed her in our bed. I fell asleep right as my head hit the pillow. I woke up to Suzzie cradling Jace in her arms feeding him his bottle. She was about to put him back into his cradle but I wrapped my arms around her waist.

"You can put him in our bed. Baby wolves sleep better between their parents." I whisper in her ear so I wouldn't wake up Jace.

"But won't we roll on him while we sleep?"

"No our wolf instincts are stronger so we will know where he is so we won't roll on him. Like you know when we sleep on separate sides of the bed and we end up tied together?" I asked and she nodded her head, "Well those are our instincts wanting to be close to our mates so we know they are safe." And I take Jace out of her arms and walk over to our bed and get in and placed him in the middle of the bed. Suzzie can over and pulled the cover over all of us. When I woke up mine and Suzzie's foreheads were touching and our legs were intertwined and our bodies were around Jace as a protective wall. I got out of the bed and Jace started to fuss around from the movement so I picked him up and grabbed his bottle and walked downstairs. When I got downstairs I placed him in his high chair. And I got the baby formula and made it and warmed it up. When it was done I picked Jace back up and sat in a chair and fed him his bottle. When he finished his bottle I put him over my shoulder and patted his back until he burped. I cradled him into my arms and played with him small hands. He grabbed my finger and brought my finger into his mouth and sucked on it. I couldn't help but smile and then Chris came down and walked over to me.

"Daddy are you going to love Jace more than me?" He asked. I placed Jace into the playpen and picked Chris up and placed him on my lap.

"Why would you think that?" I asked and wrapped my arms around his small waist and he laid his head on my chest.

"Cause the kids in school that have brothers and sisters said their parents loved their brothers or sisters more than them." I chuckled and kissed the top of his head. Chris has been going to kindergarten for the last two months and he made some friends. Some wolfs and some humans and Chris knows not to tell anyone unless he asks me if they are werewolves or not.

"Don't worry me and mommy loves you and Jace equally." And he nodded his head and I hugged him to me and he hugged me back. I got up and placed him on the chair, check Jace and saw he was sleeping and went around to the fridge. "Chris what do you want for breakfast. You can have anything."

"Can I have waffles and bacon?"

"Sure you can. You can go into the living room and watch T.V if you want." And I turned around and saw him nod his head and he got up and ran into the living room. We have moved out of the pack house but got a house big enough to fit two families if needed. We have a room for Jace but we are keeping him in our room so if anything happens we are right there. Our room is sound proof from the inside but we can hear what happens in Chris's room and the house. When I was almost done Suzzie came down in one of my T- shirt and wrapped her arms around my waist. I rubbed her arms that were around me.

"Good morning baby how are you?" I asked as I flipped some bacon.

"I'm good. Did you feed Jace yet?" she asked as she went and picked up Jace from the playpen.

"Yup." And I put the food on three plates and put butter on mine and Chris's waffles syrup on all of ours. I placed one plate in front of Suzzie and where I am going to sit on one next to mine. Suzzie was putting Jace away in his playpen and I went into the living room and picked up Chris and threw him over my shoulder. He was laughing and hitting my back so I would put him down. I was chuckling and I placed him on his chair. He started to eat and I sat next to him and ate my food. When we were done I cleaned up the mess Suzzie picked up Jace and we went to play in the living room. Suzzie was sitting on the floor with Jace in between her legs sitting up. He will grow matured faster than Chris because he has Alpha blood in him and he is the first-born. I laid down on the couch and watched the boys play. I love my family so much I would do anything for them. I'm still wondering how to ask Suzzie to marry me. I smile when I saw Jace crawl over to Chris and sat in his lap. Chris looked surprised and looked at us. Jace laughed and clapped his hands and laughed some more. Chris laughed and clapped his hands with Jace and Jace laughed even harder.

A week later

We left Jace and Chris with Ted and Amy for the night. Suzzie thinks I am taking her out on just a date but really I am going to propose to her. When we got to the restaurant I see the waiter that has the cake with the ring in it. When we finish the waiter comes over with a piece of chocolate cake for the both of us and I smile to myself lightly. I gently start feeding Suzzie with her fork being careful not to let her swallow the ring. I see the ring and I smile to myself as I slowly slide the ring onto the fork as she is distracted by a violinist who I hired just for tonight.

"Jacob, you did this all for just us?" Suzzie asked me turning towards me. I heard her gasp as I got down on one knee I took a shaky breath as I slipped the ring off of the fork and put it in my hands. I grabbed Suzzie's hand into mine.

"Suzzie you are the love of my life. I dont know what I would do without you. You are my life, love, and world. We have two beautiful kids and I would like to make you mine forever. So will you make me the happies man in the world and marry me?" the whole time i looked straight into her eyes and saw some tears run down her face. She nodded her head and I slid the ring onto her finger and got up and spun her around. When I put her down everyone in the resturant were clapping and saying congrates. I dipped Suzzie and gave her a passionante kiss.


Awe Jacob finally grew some balls and proposed to Suzzie!! I was almost crying when i was writeing th proposal. You know how I cant spell so my friend is editing for me and she will add some stuff. You guys should really read some of her work its reallt good!! I read her books more than once!! Here is her wattpad name CrazyRacerGirl25two she rules!!!!!

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