chapter 19

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Suzzie's P.O.V

Jacob and me were out in the clearing for about two hours just lying there and cuddling and just talking about random things.

'Come on baby we should go home.' Jacob said while getting up and licking my muzzle.

'I don't want to go though!" I winded to him.

'Don't you want to see Jace and Chris?'


'I do but I want to stay with you here longer.' I and I got an idea so I got up and walked to like I was going to leave but I rubbed my side against his and I felt his breathing speed up. I walked around him and rubbed up against his other side and then under his chin.

'Can we please stay?' I asked again.

I...I.... I don't know.' He stuttered so I rubbed under his belly and my tail ran across his manhood and I could feel how hard he was. I purred as i rubbed under his belly and the vibration of me purring went to his dick and he growled and pinned me down on my back in less than three seconds. He growled at me in a playful way and nuzzled his snout into my fur which made me hat for him cause is hardness was pressed to my core. I heard him growl again.

"Baby we need to go.' but I wiggled at he flipped me back over and rubbed his manhood against me teasing me.

"Jacob please I need you!' I said in my head and he growled low in my ear and entered me before growling and pulling all the way out. I whimpered and he growled and entered me harder and I howled out in pleaser as he started up a fast pace. He pulled me up so I was standing and his manhood went deeper into me and i could feel my legs start to shake from all the pleasure. His front paws wrapped around my hips and he laid him head on the back on my neck and I could feel his hot breath blowing fast on my ear. He went faster and my front paws went down so by hipss were up and his manhood went ever farther in.

'OH JACOB OH MY GOOD THAT FEELS SO GOOD! GO HARDER!' I screamed out in my head to him and he growled and did what I told him to do and I howled out in climax and he bite into my neck marking my wolf form and I climaxed around him and he climaxed and my back legs buckled and he landed ontop of me breathing hard into my ear. After a couple of minuets he pulled out and laid next to me and I closed my eyes trying to catch my breath


Jacob and me laid next to each other panting I had a smirk on my face and my eyes were closed.

'That wasn't fair you know.' I heard Jacob said after awhile.

'So I still got my way and I know you liked it to so don't say anything.'

'I defiantly like what we did but now its time to go and don't do anything.' And he gave me a pointed look and I shook my head and started to trot away and he ran up to me and walked with me. When we got home I shifted and picked Chris up cause he was playing in his sand box. He screamed and I threw him up and the air and caught. He giggled and clung to my shirt so I couldn't throw him up again and I walked inside to go to sleep.


Today is the day Jacob become the official Alpha of the moon pack. Jacob's father's beta was controlling the pack so Jacob could learn the pack rules and meet other Alphas. Ted is becoming the beta. Ted and Amy had a baby girl about two weeks ago. It turned out that when I gave birth to Jace that very night the conceived. Their girls name is Summer. She looks more like Ted than Amy like Jace looks like Jacob. Chris acts like an older brother to her, well sort of, he watches her when we ask and he helps her up if she falls but hangs out with Jace more even though he is just learning how to walk and saw some simple words like food and mom and dad and Chris and bathroom. We are trying to potty train him. I know, I know I only six months old but he matures faster than normal werewolves because he has alpha blood in him. Right now I am sitting on the grass playing with Jace, Chris while Amy is talking to me while holding Summer. Jacob came up behind me and crouched down and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey baby I need to go up now."

"Ok I will be here when you're done."

"Come on baby I want you up there with me." He wined.

"No just go." He sighed and walked up on stage. When he got to the mike everyone went quiet.

"Hi everyone my name is Jacob Moon and I am going to be your new Alpha." And everyone clapped their hands. "It must be hard for you, and it defiantly hard for me, to lose your old Alpha and my father three months ago. I will try to do the best I can but I wont promise that I will not make mistakes but I will try not to." As Jacob continued to talk Chris got up and ran up to Jacob and hugged his legs. Jacob laughed and picked him up and placed him on his shoulders. A slutty girl raised her hand.


"So I that like your son or something?" she asked in a snobby voice and popped her gum. I could see Jacob slightly grimacing and he nodded.

"Yes he is one of my two sons." He told her with pride in his eyes.

"So why doesn't he look like you?" she asked again in a snobby.

"He was adopted. His mother left him at a carnival."

"So like he doesn't have a mother?" she asked while twirling a piece of hair between her fingers while looking at him hungrily.

"Yes he has a mother." He said with light anger in his voice but I only could tell it was there.

"Then who is it?" she asked coldly.

"My mate and fiancé."

"And were is she?" she asked with a smirk thinking I didn't want to be there with him. Jacob jumped off the stage after putting Chris down and he walked over to me and I looked at the crowd and they all looked at me. Jacob grabbed Jace and my hand and pulled us up to the stage.

"This is my mate and my other son." I picked up Chris and he climbed on my shoulders and I chuckled under my breath. "Any more questions?" when no one raised their hands we walked off stage and we walked over to Ted and Amy. I took Chris off my shoulders and Jacob placed Jace on the ground and they both go over by the toys we have out. When almost everyone came over and said hi I laid back on the grass and closed my eyes.

"Tired?" I heard Jacob ask and I opened my eyes and nodded. I closed them again and almost fell asleep. I jerked awake when I felt someone pick me up. I opened my eyes and looked at Jacob.

"Its ok I'm just putting you to bed." He said while chuckling and I nodded my head and nuzzled my head into his neck. I fell asleep before we even got to the house so when I woke up I was confused a little till I looked around and saw I was in bed and Jacob had his arms wrapped around me. I turned around and snuggled into his chest and his arms tightened around my waist and he started to purr. I smiled and fell back asleep. When I woke up I was straddling Jacobs's waist and I could feel a bulge in his boxers. I tried to move but Jacob's hands gripped my hips and he rocked my hips back and forth. I gripped his chest scratching it leaving read marks in their way. Jacob moaned and his bulge got thicker and bigger. There was a knock on the door and we stopped.

"Who is it?" Jacob asked with a husky voice and he cleared his voice.

"Alpha, Alpha Female we found an intruder on our land and he says he knows Alpha Suzzie."

I'm a werewolf's mate! Oh he's an alphaWhere stories live. Discover now