#24♡You Show Your Inner Nerd♡

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You were currently joining the boys on tour and it was mostly your job to keep them all up with their studies. They were all smart guys, but today, it was different. They've just had 2 shows the night before and the morning was going pretty slow. After your boyfriend, Ashton, had his breakfast, he calls you for help. "(Y/N), I really dont understand this equation," he struggles. "Okay Ashton, it's actually not that easy so I need you to listen carefully, yeah?" He nods and gives you a warm smile. "Alright so first...... and then you would have to add this and this and divide it by this........... now, that'll equal to... uh, 8197.74....and then subtract that and there you go!" you finally finish. "I have no idea what you've just explained to me but holy shit, you're so hot when you become all knowledge-y."


"(Y/N), I need help!" you hear your boyfriend call out. "I'm coming!" you run towards the living room and let yourself fall on the couch, sitting next to Luke. "What's up?" you ask. "Well, my laptop wont stop freezing and I'm really freaking out right now because I'm currently writing a new song and if it doesn't save, then I'm gonna cry and then the lads will hate me forever and-" "Lucas! Chill, just let me borrow it for a moment, please," you look at him and he quickly nods. You start looking through his laptop, and notice that there was a small glitch, that you needed to fix. "Luke, I dont know what you've been doing on your laptop but I think you accidentally downloaded a fake software so I need to remove it, but it might take some time," you say, still clicking away. "Well, how about my song?!" he starts panicking. "Luke, there's this 20th century thing called a USB, where you can save your things. Have you heard of it?" you sarcastically ask him. He rolls his eyes as you take the USB from the table. You open up the song Luke has been working on and quickly skim through it. "Luke, this is absolutely amazing," you say as you scroll down to see more. "Thanks, it was supposed to be a surprise song for you but I guess the surprise has been ruined." You look at him and give him a quick peck, "Doesn't matter babe, I love it." "Well, I'm glad you like it and thank you for wanting to fix my laptop, you cute nerd."


Dating a guy in a band was definitely a challenge sometimes. You always try your best to impress Calum and even though he's a sweetheart, you will never know how he'll react to one of your #1 hobby which was; reading. You never really grabbed a book ever since you were dating Calum because you were a little too scared. Luckily, Calum had gone for a boys night out with Luke, Michael and Ashton so you had some time alone. You sit on the bed, putting on your reading glasses and you start to continue the last book you were reading which was The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis. You were so caught up in the book that you hadn't noticed Calum, standing by the door. "Calum, hi, um I- I didn't know you were gonna be home so early," you stutter. "Babe, it's almost midnight and I thought you would be asleep by now... But I guess not," he shrugs, "So, you read?" "Um- yeah, it's always been my hobby." "Really?" "Yeah... Look Calum, if you're gonna start judging m-" "Why the hell would I judge you (Y/N)? And anyway, you look adorable with your glasses. Read infront of me more often please," he says and gives you his puppy dog face. "How can I say no to that?"


"So, what movie you wanna watch?" Michael asks you. "I dont really feel like watching a movie tonight..." "Then what's you wanna do?" You look around and you spot two controllers. "We could play video games," you suggest. "Are you sure? I dont wanna make you cry after I beat you," he smirks. "It's on, Clifford." You grab your controller and give Michael some space for him to sit. "You sure 'bout this babe?" he asks. "100% sure Michael. Now will you please press start?" you say, annoyingly. He presses the button and you start to focus on the game. After an hour of shouting and complaining, you finally beat Michael. "HA! LOOK WHO WON CLIFFORD! YEAH, ME, (YOUR/FULL/NAME)!" He starts looking at you, confused, "B-b-ut how!? No one's ever beaten me in this game!" "Mikey, I have 2 older brothers and a younger brother, I pretty much have way more experience than you." "Whatever (Y/N), it's not over yet. I just cant believe it- and you're a girl!" "Okay Michael, now that's just sexist." "I'm sorry but wow, I'm actually very impressed. So happy I've got a nerdy girlfriend like me," he smiles and gives you a cuddle.


I'm so sorry for the lack of updates lately! I have school tomorrow so I hope you guys enjoyed this :))) x

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-Dita x

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