#66♡He Has A Cute Sneezing Fit♡

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"(YN), could you pass me the remo- Atchoo!" Your boyfriend Michael asked you until he got distracted by a sneeze. You grabbed the remote and gave it to Michael but he held his pointing finger up, signalling you to wait as he started to sneeze again, and again, and again. "Aw! Michael, I think you're getting sick," you said as  you rubbed his back. "No, I'm no- Atchoo!" He sneezed once again and plopped himself on the couch, annoyed. "Yes you are," you started giggling as you gave him a kiss on the cheek which was probably a bad idea. 

You came home one day to find Calum with tissues all over the place. "Cal, are you okay?" You asked as you walked towards the living room. "Yeah! I'm f- Atchoo!" He started sneezing and that wasn't the last. You sat down next to him and he started sneezing over and over again. "Awww!" You started giggling as you ran your hand through his messy hair. "I don't think you'll be able to come and ski with the boys and I this weekend," you told him and he got up. "No no no, I will... I mean I'm not getting sick- Atchoo!" You gave him an 'are you sure' look and he told you, "you can't stop me from going babe!" He started running towards the kitchen and you could still hear him sneeze again and again, which made you laugh. 

You sat on the chair in front of Ashton's drum set as he was practicing for the next gig. "Atchoo!" You looked up to see Ashton covering his face with his hand and smiling at you. "Atchoo," he started to sneeze again and you got up to see if he was alright. "Ashton, you might be getting sick-." You got distracted by him sneezing again and this time, you went up behind the drum set to check on him but he held a finger up to tell you not to come any closer. He started sneezing again and again. "You're so cute when you sneeze," you giggled. "Oh yeah? Well I'm not going to be cute once my nose falls off because of this fucking cold coming my way."

You sat in the studio, listening to your boyfriend, Luke and his bandmates recording for the upcoming album. "I remember the day you told me you were leavin- Atchoo!" You suddenly looked up and laughed at what just occured. "Sorry, it's really dusty in here, could we start again?" He asked and the studio manager started pressing all these buttons. "I remember the day you told me you were leaving.. I remember the make up running down your- Atch- your face," the boys started laughing along with you and Luke asked if he could have a time out. "Atchoo... Atchoo... Atchoo," he sneezed as he walked out the door of the recording studio. "Aw babe! I think you're catching the flu," you got up and held his hands. "I better not, we need this album done on time." (He said 2 years ago.)


I'm sorry this one was quite short :( Hopefully, I can update again today but I will be packing so I'll have to wait and see if I'll have time! 

please comment any requests!


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