Text #15

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"I've had a really busy schedule lately so I have to text for now."

"Its okay, I'm in the middle of meeting right now."

"Crap, want me to come back later?"

"Definitely not, I'm surrounded old men talking advertising cologne."

"That's what your company is? Advertising?"

"One of the largest."

"I thought it was something more nerdy like banking."

"Oh no, then I would runaway, banking is the worst."

"Ha, so what are the old men arguing about?"

"Were unable to find an actor or artist to act in the commercial and photoshoot, I never thought it would be this complicated."

"What's the cologne?"

"Arctic Seduction, that has to be the dumbest name right?"

"I could do it."


"I could do the commercial for you, I mean, if its okay with you?"

"Yes, I mean, are you sure?"

"Yeah, I haven't done commercials at all really, my manager is picky."

"Thank you so much, we've been after one for weeks now!"

"I'll tell him to accept it because my old friend needs it."

"Respect your Senior, kid."

"Again, your not much older than me."

"Okay, I told them, they'll give you a call wishing the next two days, okay?"

"You owe me."

"I'll buy dinner when we meet at the arcade, okay?"

"I'm ordering a large desert."

"Your too sweet already."

"Are you flirting?"

"Well, I guess...um, yeah...."

"That's adorable! ;-)."

"Jeez, I'm leaving, I have a meeting to listen to."

"Think of me and it will go by faster than you think!"

"Your so full of yourself."

"Your thoughts are so full of me, bye!"


End of session seventeen.

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