Love Triangle..

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*Tyler's POV*

I ignored all the weird stares I was getting for waiting at the 'nerds' locker, I really didn't care at this point I just want to figure out what all these feelings are.

I've never felt this way towards a girl usually after I have a fuck I never talk to them unless they're usuals.

I didn't tell anymore cause I really just wanted Andi to start liking me maybe if she did I could get over how I feel.

I looked up as I heard footsteps coming my way, my eyes glanced down her body slightly disappointed she went back to baggy clothes I smirked at how beautiful her face was I quickly shook my head once she got closer.

I moved off her locker so that I was leaning against the one next to her's.

She really was beautiful even in her modest clothes I was snapped out of my thoughts when she finally spoke to me.

"What do you want Tyler?" She spat at me, I frowned slightly but quickly covered it up.

"I just wanted you know I'm not going to tell anyone your secret."

I nervously scratched the back of my neck, I tried not meeting her eyes. She stayed really quiet I was debating on walking away when I heard her whisper.

"Why?" I couldn't think of a lie so I told her the truth.

"I saw how upset you got thinking about going back to the 'reputation' and I- I don't know I just wanted you to know that."

I didn't wait for her reply and quickly turned around and walked to my first class, I groaned to myself when I remembered that Andi has the same class.

I sat in the back corner next to the window I heard faint whispers saying 'what the fuck is she doing' 'why's she staring at Tyler' 'she probably just loves him' I met her beautiful gray eyes, I had to quickly look out the window because I wanted to just go up to her and just kiss her.

She sat down in the front right when the teacher started talking I ignored everything knowing I wasn't going to pass this year anyways.

When the bell rang I waited as Andi ran out of the class.

I sighed out she really is beautiful, what the fuck is wrong with me. I got up to leave the classroom after everyone already left.

"Excuse me, Mr. Payne can I talk to you for a minute." I rolled my eyes and turned around to face her.

"What do you want." She shot a quick glare but covered it up with a fake smile.

"I see that you're failing in all your classes your other teachers and I talked and we want you to start working with a tutor." I through up my hands.

"Whatever I probably won't go to it anyways."

"Okay well I'd appreciate it if you at least tried, I wanted to have this talk with you and Ms. McGhee but she took off before I could stop her." my head jolted up.

"You're gonna have Andrea tutor me?"

She nodded slightly confused. I just smiled and walked out of the class.

I was talking to some friends at my car when I saw Andi and her pale skinny friend next to her.

My friends walked away once they noticed I wasn't paying attention. A huge smile grew on Andi's face and it made me grin, until I watched her jump into another guys arms he spun her around and stopped only to kiss her he slowly lowered her to the ground never pulling his lips off her.

I wanted to go over there and rip her out of his grip and just punch his face in, when she turned around she looked over her friends shoulder and stared at me I broke her stare and I turned around and got into my car slamming the door behind me and speeding out of the parking lot.

I pulled into my driveway to my house and slammed the door behind me when I walked into the house.

"What the fucks your problem?" my mother's voice yelled from the living room.

"Nothing just leave me the fuck alone." I stomped up to my room and jumped onto my bed.

I actually felt like crying I could feel the tears in the corner of my eyes start building I tried pushing them back, I got up and started pacing back and forth

'Why the fuck would she choose him' the thought kept running through my head.

He was only like 5'8 or some shit his dull brown eyes staring over her body my body started fuming with anger he wasn't even that buff or anything.

My anger got the best of me and I punch a hole in my wall fuck what is she doing to me.

I need to prove to her that I can be the best guy  for both of her personalities for the bad girl and the soft shy nerd.

*Authors notes*
Who wants to see Tyler and Andi together? Lol thank you for reading.

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