Two Boys One Girl..

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*Andrea's POV *

"What are you going to do?" Alexis finally closed her mouth after her jaw dropped in shock.

I told her what Tyler told me last night and everything else that happened.

"I don't know, I don't even know how I feel about him."

We've been sitting in my car for the last few minutes in the school parking lot.

"Well you better choose fast cause one of your 'boyfriends' is on their way over here."

She looked past my shoulder I turned my eyes to where she was staring and there was Derek walking to my window.

"Fuck I don't know but let's go, I'll see you in first period?"

Raising my eyebrow at her she nodded her head and got out. I got out before Derek could get to my car and waited at the back for him.

"Hey baby doll, what was last night about? Why'd you leave me I went looking for you I couldn't find you."

He was swinging are hands together I giggled at his childish reaction.

"I got a ride from a friend. And I'm sorry I just I'm not friends with them anymore."

He raised his eyebrow wanting more explanation but I ignored it.

"Okay well you want to walk with me to the office to get my schedule?" My legs froze and I slowly registered what he just said.

"What do you mean? Did you transfer here?" He nodded his head like a kid, I jumped into his arms.

"Wait really like I don't have to deal with random visits now?" I smirked.

"Oh come on baby doll you know you love my surprises."

He brought my hand up to his lips I blushed at his action and looked at my feet.


I jumped at the loud noise and watch Tyler storm off into the boys bathroom.

"What's that guys problem? It seems like every time he sees us he gets pissed." Derek was glaring at his direction.

"Oh nothing he's just a bit of a hot head come on I don't want to be late for my first class let's go get you schedule."

I started skipping down the hallway pulling him along with me. I put on a fake smile my stomach felt sick seeing Tyler's reaction, did I really mean that much to him that he would make a scene every time he saw us I shook the thought out of my head once we walked into the office.

"Hello Andrea what can I do for you?" I tilted my head I really hate my real name but I just smiled.

"My friend just needs his schedule."

"Oh yes what is you last name?" She gave Derek a sweet smile.


She started clicking on her computer and than walked over to the printer once it finished. We walked out of the office still holding hands while he looked over his schedule.

"Here do we have any classes together." He shoved the paper in my face making me giggle.

"Uh yeah the period after lunch we have art together." I let out a silent breath knowing he didn't have any of the same class as me and Tyler.

"Damn I was hoping we had all of them." He smirked and winked.

"Ha! No sorry buddy boy even if we did you still ain't getting any of that."

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