The Hidden..

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*Tyler's POV *

We all rushed outside following Andi she wouldn't stop running until she got into her car and drove off.

We watched her walk out of the janitors closet, after Andrew had already left. I felt my blood boil as I watch him button his pants. My fist clenching at my side I could see everyone looking at me. I shook it off we watched as Andi ignored Leah screaming her name as she got closer we all saw the tears in her eyes.

We all jumped into our cars and tried following Andi. I made a joint call to them all.

"Guys go to Andi's house." I hung up the phone and started driving.

*Andrea's POV*

I placed my head on my knees and let out quiet sob. I listened to the waves crashing onto the cold sand, I could hear the kids and animals in the distance.

It took an hour to get the beach my family use to visit every summer, it took another thirty minutes to get to the little cave my brother and I found.

I started crying harder all I could think was 'this is your fault'. My brother would be so disappointed I should have just given him what he wanted.

"See you tomorrow babe." His last words rang through my head. Why did I have to piss him off to the point he would do that.

I tried shaking the images from my head but I couldn't. The thought of my friends yelling after me telling me to come back. Alexis will blame herself so will Tyler, while the others will just want revenge.

I don't want to go back I can't go back and see him I can't walk those halls without thinking of running and hiding, passing that room be my living nightmare.

I still had my torn shirt on and being in shorts were making me shiver from coming contact with the cold sand.

My makeup was probably all over my face. I pulled out my phone and ignored all the notifications from everyone, I pulled up the camera and tried fixing my makeup. I got up to go to the store I couldn't be in these clothes anymore.

*Derek's POV*

"Who knows of a place she could have gone?" Alexis asks her voice shaking. I reached over pulled her closer trying to calm her, but it was no use if I wasn't calm myself.

Andrew had to have done something to her, she was crying and he was zipping up his pants. I don't even want to consider the obvious, no one did. We all stayed silent standing in Andi's living room.

"Who's known her the longest?" Tyler asks almost a whisper, he's taking it harder than all of us.

"Derek." I come back to reality as Kayela says my name.


"You've known her the longest. Is there any place she goes to get away?" I stop and think of places.

"Is there anywhere her and her brother would go?" We all looked towards Tyler shocked he knows about Justin.

"She had a brother." Alexis asks, I nod my head.

"Yes, they use to go the beach, I don't know which one, or even where on the beach. But if she's anywhere it would be there. That was the last place he took before." My voice drifted as I couldn't finish the sentence.Tyler nods understanding.

"Okay let go, Alexis and Derek you go look at the South jetty and Honeymen, Leah, Kayela and I will go check the other two." We all nod in agreement and run to our cars.


"We haven't found her Tyler." I heard Alexis on the phone we were sitting in the parking lot of a Safeway, waiting for the others to finish their search.

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