The Unexpected..

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*Author's note * Be sure to listen to the song loves, it'll help with what going to happen. And thank you all for the views I didn't think I would get this many, love you my lovelys.

*Tyler's POV *

As we drove back home from the cabin Andi and I sang along to the radio. After our one night Andi and I haven't been closer.

"So you ready for school? Finals are coming up babe." She turned to me after turning the radio down.

"No, we should probably squeeze in some more studying." I smirked as I stopped for the red light.

"Don't be a perv Tyler." She raised her eyebrow.

"Only for you baby girl." She pulled her hand to my mouth and placed a kiss to it.

The rest of the ride consisted of us telling cheesy jokes or singing badly to the radio.

We stopped in front of her house and we both jumped out, I popped the trunk and grabbed her bag. She tried to take it from me but I moved from her grip.

"Tyler give me my bag." She placed her hands on her hips and glared at me.

"No no no." I put my arms around her shoulder and we walked to her front door.

"I guess my parents are off on another business trip." Andi winked as we walked in.

"Oh really?" I smirked and pushed her against the wall dropping her bag to the ground.

After another night with Andi, I left for my house. I walked straight into my room ignoring my mom and her new boyfriend who were passed out in the living room.

I dropped my bag next to my door, and flopped onto my bed. My phone beeped and I groaned into my pillow.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and read the text from Derek.

From Derek: Hey man, I'm coming over.

From Tyler: Okay, why?

From Derek: My bitch of a cousin Tiffany is here. She's already starting shit.

From Tyler: Okay, but with finals I need to study.

From Derek: Same. Okay I'll be there in 5.

I shut my phone and continued to lay on my bed. I heard the front door open and close and footsteps come up to my door. The door opened and Derek jumped in shutting the door walking over to my office chair.

"So?" I sat up so my back was against the wall.

"So what? I couldn't handle that bitch. She kept saying Alexis was a whore." His scrunched up in disgust.

"Why the fuck would she say that?"

He shrugged his shoulders.

"It's whatever man. So video games or studying?"

"I don't care."

After hours of playing video games, Derek and I decided to call Andi and Alexis to see if they wanted go get food.

"Hello?" Her soft voice came through the phone.

"Hey, you wanna go get food with Derek, Alexis, and I?" I heard shuffling in the back ground.

"Yeah, let me get ready I just got out of the shower."

"Okay I'll be there in 10."

She said 'okay' and then hung up.

"So?" Derek walked back into the room.

"Yeah, I'm leaving to pick her up. Meet me at Red Robin's?" He shook his head we both left.

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