Her Secret..

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*quick Author's note* I would do a flashback with what happened in the last chapter I haven't felt good these last few days.

*Andrea's POV *

"Can I be your secret since your old ones out?"

My jaw dropped I couldn't believe what Tyler just asked his little smirk is almost to irresistible, he makes it so hard to deny him.

"Okay guys here's your food." The flirty waitress set our plates in front of us interrupting the silence.

"Oh u-um thank you." I couldn't look into her eyes I couldn't meet anyone else's I could feel Tyler's gaze still directed towards me.

I couldn't help to blush I can't believe one guy makes me so nervous fuck I use to make guys nervous not the other way around.

"Is that a yes?" He chuckled. I let out a sigh and covered my face with my hands.

"You have to tell me why before I agree to anything."

I looked up feeling confident in my answer. I took a drink of my drink like this conversation is just a normal Wednesday conversation.

"Because Andrea-"

"Andi." I glared. He smiled how the hell is he so calm.

"Okay Andi it's cause I've never known a girl that I couldn't get out of my head. I've never constantly thought of a one night stand. I've never gotten jealous over other guys hands traveling over a body of a girl that's not even mine. I've never wanted someone the way I want you."

Now he looks nervous and I feel accomplished. My mouth worked faster than my brain did.

"Yes." His gaze went up quickly from his plate to my eyes.

"But if this is a secret we are gonna have to make people believe that we hate each others guts. Besides the tutoring we shouldn't be seen out in public."

I smirked it's my turn to be cocky I took a sip of my juice I set it down and reached for my silverware to start eating.

"How am I suppose to take you out on date than." He chuckled.

"Easy I traveled outside of town for my first secret we can travel for our second."

"You know this means no sex with anyone else right?" He raised his eyebrow I couldn't help but laugh.

"Yes jealous boyfriend." I couldn't believe I just called him that.

"I think I like that title." He took my hand and placed it in his.

We went to eating our food nothing else was said I would glance up from my food to see him and half the time I caught him looking at me.

"Okay thank you for our 'first date' " I put air quotes around first date.

"No problem, so since we are a secret does that mean you'll stay away from Derek?"

I saw a flash out jealously cross his eyes.

"I can't just stop talking to him." I frowned.

"But you don't have to touch him." I flinched at his harsh tone.

"I wasn't going to touch him anymore, but if you think you're going to try and control me you'll have another thing coming Okay. No touching other people not touching each other in public no sex with anyone."

I got it okay, I reached for the door and threw it open. He grabbed my hand and pulled me back in.

"If you think out first day is gonna end in a fight you'll have another thing coming." He cupped my face and smashed his lips onto mine.

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