The Trip..

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*Andrea's POV *

I've been drive for the past hour it's now 4:21, I should be there in about a half hour.

My phones gone off a few times but I've ignored it, a few was just Jessica and Criston giving me their numbers while the rest were everyone asking if I was okay.

"Hello?" I picked up my phone.

"Yes hello honey, are you almost here?" my grandma's sweet voice traveled through the phone.

"Yes grandma, I'll be there in about a half hour." I smiled. I love my grandma and I hardly get to see her.

"Okay honey I'll start dinner then. Your cousin Ashley is going to come and join us she misses you."

"Really I miss Ash so much."

"Yeah she's here would you like to talk to her?"

"Yes yes yes." If I wasn't driving I would be clapping and jumping up and down.

"Hey gummy bear." I giggled.

"What up gum drop." I heard her giggle at our nicknames.

Ashley, Justin, and I were all so close we all had nicknames, Justin came up with mine cause gum drops were my favorite candy, gummy bears were Ashley's, while Justin's were skittles.

"I've missed you so much." I swallowed the lump in my throat.

"I know I've missed you to, but we'll see each other soon. So be careful, love you gum drop."

"Love you too gummy bear."

I hung up the phone and set it down, while I waited for the light to change I turned on my music.

I finally made it to my grandma's.

"Hello, Grandma? Ashley?" I dropped my bag down in front of the door.

"Gum drop!" My cousin came around the corner and hugged me. I couldn't help my body tensing up and she seemed to notice as she pulled away and looked at me wierd. I gave her a look that told her I'd tell her later.

"Hey bunny, come on dinners almost done. You two go wash up."

I grabbed my bag and my cousin and I walked down to the basement where my cousin and I would always stay.

"So?" She jumped on the bed and kicked her feet, she was a few inches shorter than me.

"So what?" I sat my bag down and laid on the bed next to her.

"So I mean why did you freak when I hugged you?" She laid down next to me.

"Yeah a lot has happened. Um where should I start? So I went back to being the 'queen'. I got a boyfriend but we kept it a secret cause he happened to be the 'bad boy' of the school. Derek came back and he's dating one of my best friends Alexis, I'm friends with Leah and Kayela again. Oh and I had to pretend to date that Andrew kid, cause he threatened to spread a rumor about my innocent friend. And one day I happened to piss him off and he raped me in the janitors closest."

"Whoa whoa whoa, go back. What the fuck did you just say?" I swallowed the lump again and tried to blink the tears away.

"Yeah and then I broke up with my boyfriend, and came here to try and better myself. I can't stand seeing the hurt flash through his eyes when I flinch away. Like he's been super understanding of me not wanting to be touched but he doesn't deserve to be in pain cause I can't be the perfect girlfriend." I sighed.

"What happened?" I could hear her voice crack. I reached over and held her hand.

"Well he's in prison. Court was hard with all those people staring as I broke down telling the story. He pushed me into the closet ripped my clothes covered my mouth and you know."

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