The Bitch Is Back..

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*Tyler's POV *

After last night I feel like Andrea actually cares for me. I got to school and I didn't see her car so I just went inside and waited at my locker I kept looking up from my phone hoping to see her walk in through the door.

I saw Alexis run past me, I opened my locker I didn't want her to think I was some kind of creep that waits for her.

"Oh come on baby doll you know you love my surprises."

I looked up to see him holding her hand to his lips, seeing him do that made my stomach churn at the idea of his joke, pile started to rise up into my throat it wasn't going to go back down.


I hold the vomit down I rushed into the boys restroom luckily no one else was in there to ask me what was wrong.

I quickly got up and rinsed my mouth out I pulled a pack of gum out of my back pocket and took a stick out.

I rushed into my class not wanting to see them together again, I sat in the back but still had view of the door.

I heard a faint giggle and looked up to see Andrea's arms wrapped around his neck while his arms rest on the curve of her hips. I couldn't help my face cringe seeing that actually felt like someone punched me in gut I felt like all my air flew out of my lungs.

"Excuse me Ms. McGhee." I stared out the window not wanting to meet her eyes I felt if I did I wouldn't be able to hold back the emotions flowing through them and she'd be able to read me.

"Sorry Ms. Towe." A faint whisper came from her mouth I could her ass of a boyfriend laughing at her blushing.

She sat to my right I don't think she even realized I watch her friend Alexis eyes flicker towards me before quickly looking away.

I was broken out of my thoughts with the sound of the teachers voice.

"Oh yes and before you can take off on me again Ms. McGhee I'd like to talk to you and Mr. Payne after class."

I watched her nod, I rubbed my face trying so hard to avoid her eyes but I could feel them burning holes in the side of my head I couldn't stand it anymore.

"What are you looking at?" I spat.

I didn't mean it to come out so harsh but just picturing her with him makes me furious.

"I'm sorry." She choked out, she doesn't even sound sure of what she's apologizing about.

"Mhm." I couldn't physically form words I felt my jaw clenched tight.

The rest of the class I didn't look at her I focused on the board not even writing down any notes.

I could feel her glancing at me once in awhile I ignored it. The bell rang and I sat in my seat and watched everyone else leave once the last person left I stood up and slowly walked behind Andrea she stopped in front of her desk while I sat on top of table of a desk.

"What did you want to talk about?" I could hear her voice crack slightly but not enough for it to be heard.

"Yes I've talked to all Mr. Payne's teachers and we agreed that he needs a tutor and you are the best student I know so we want you to tutor him."

Her jaw dropped but she quickly picked it up I couldn't help but smirk at how cute she was but shook myself out of that thought.

"U-um Yeah I can do that as long as Tyler doesn't care."  I shrugged really wanting to leave this room, she's so fuckin confusing she acts nervous to spend time alone with me yet most people act nervous before they sleep with someone not after unless they regret it.

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