The Phone Call..

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*Andrea's POV *

"What?" I looked towards Derek who was talking about some football game.

"Are we coming over to your place for the game this Friday?" He repeated.

"Sure I don't care." I waved my hand.

I really want a carmel apple but I don't know where to get one. I'm really getting irritated by all this talking around me.

We are at lunch and I just want this day to be over so I can go home and sleep. I'm able to hide my tiny belly still with my regular clothes but I still steal Tyler's shirts.

Tyler isn't even with us at lunch I have no idea where he is and no one else knows either.


"What." I snapped.

I didn't even mean to snap it just came out.

"I'm sorry." A freshman girl bowed her head down.

"No its fine I'm sorry, didn't sleep." I half smiled.

She perked up and handed me a note.

"It's from Tyler." She smiled and walked off.

"What is it?" Leah asked with a mouthful of food.

I tore open the note and scanned through it.

"Told me to go outside."

I grabbed my bag and everyone followed. I swear we never do anything alone except use the bathroom.

As we walked outside there was no one there, we walked out into the parking lot.

I saw Tyler's car and started walking towards it. I was leaned up against his door looking a this phone.


He jumped from my voice which I giggled to, he smiled and kissed my head.

"Hey," He looked over my shoulder at the group.

"What no kisses for us?" Derek gasped acting hurt.

"For you Derek I'd do anything." Tyler smirked and walked over.

"No no I'm good." Derek waved his hands out in front of him.

We all laughed. Alexis laughed the hardest while Derek just grumbled things under his breath.

"Oh yeah I got you something." Tyler snapped and walked towards his car.

He reached in through his window and got a little baggy and a cup of soda.

"Pepsi and carmel apple for my love." He smirked.

"Wait really?" I ripped open the bag and there was a carmel apple wrapped in plastic.

"Oh my god, I love you so much." I jumped into his arms and kissed his cheek.

"Look at that guy's, our dear old friend Tyler has turned into a softie." We all turned towards the voice.

It was Eric Calvert, Tyler's friend before he started dating me. But of course his little watch dogs were right next to him and Tiffany.

"Tiffany what the fuck are you doing with him?" Derek snapped.

"I'm with my boyfriend Derek." She smirked.

"What do you want Eric?" Tyler cut off Derek.

"Oh we just came to see why you stopped hanging out with us, but it's obvious that now that you have a girlfriend you're to good for us right?"

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