The Briefing

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RECIPIENT: Assembly of Masters, S14 Cryptarchy

SENDER: Tyra Karn
SUB-ENTRIES: Nanotech; Self-Assembling Materials; Cosmodrome; Warmind; Iron Lords; Clovis Bray

We must reopen all previous entries on SIVA. What we once believed to be a colonial tool of the Warminds, destroyed long ago, appears to be active again. This time, there is no sign of any active Rasputin networks. My summation: SIVA is actually a nanotechnology capable of breaking down any existing matter very similar to Glimmer.
Unfortunately, these SIVA mites reuse the energy and matter based on a set of programmable directives. SIVA does not cease until said directives are complete. I fear what this could mean for us all and suggest we instigate a system-wide scan for anything bearing the enclosed signatures.

- Grimoire Card: SIVA - 

Back at the Hall of Guardians, the Paw Patrol along with Tootsie and Rocky's pups were with the Vanguard. Now that the Fallen and the Vex were now on there side they were now focused on the Cabal. Tootsie ran to Rocky hugging, and kissing him. And of course his pups were to.

Tootsie: Rocky, you made it!

Rocky: Of course, Tootsie.

Penny: Daddy, we missed you.

Rocky: I missed you to.

Cerberus: So Zavala, how are the Cabal gonna joining us?

Zavala: We've been keeping an eye on them from what I've heard there at Jupiter.

Cayde-6: There flagship known as the Leviathan, is where their Emperor is.

Tootsie: Is not the flagship to secure to approach?

Cayde-6: We already figured that out. We have a plan. Sense the Cabal's Skyburners abandoned Phobos they left the rest of there fleet along with it. We need you to secure one of there Harvesters; sneak into the fleet, infiltrate the flagship and negotiate with the Emperor.

Cerberus: Sounds easy enough.

Ikora Ray: Actually it's not that easy. You see the flagship is 5 times bigger than a Cabal Carrier. Equipped with dozens of anti-air defense systems, security checkpoints, a very dense force field, and armed with a deadly Ion Cannon with enough power to take out a planet.

Tootsie: Well how do you suspect them to get inside.

Zavala: Well, we managed to find a way in. If the Blood Ghosts can disable the force field and take out their security systems you may be able to get in easily.

Rocky: So one of us is gonna have to sneak inside.

War Path: Sounds like it. 

Cerberus: Perhaps you should do it, War Path. I know you well enough to drive a Harvester, including you can speak their language.

War Path: Of course, and the best part I can infiltrate their ranks.

Everest: Wait, what do you mean?

War Path somehow disguised himself as a Cabal Centurion. The Paw Patrol were freaked out by this, including Rocky.

War Path: Relax, I'm still me.

Marshall: How?

War Path: It's something the Vanguard made, to infiltrate enemy territory.

Cerberus: It's foolproof.

Cayde-6: Well, it looks like we got everything, alright Blood Ghosts you know what to do.

Cerberus: Right, let's move out.

Tootsie: Stay safe, Rocky. I love you.

Rocky: I will. Love you too.

To be Continued...      

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