Book Series You Read Together

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Clint Barton/ Hawkeye

The Hunger Games

Since one of his nicknames is 'Katniss', it only made sense that you read The Hunger Games books.


Tony Stark/ Iron Man

Skulduggery Pleasant

The book series was about a wise-cracking skeleton detective. Your boyfriend was a wise-cracking billionaire genius. It was a perfect match.


Pietro Maximoff/ Quick Silver

Lord of the Rings

Surprisingly, Pietro liked Lord of the Rings. He liked the characters and the action and you liked the way his face lit up as he read certain passages.


Thor Odinson

The Elenium Trilogy/ The Tamuli Trilogy

Thor loved reading about Sir Sparhawk's adventures. When you finished the first trilogy, Thor was sad that his adventure was over but he was overjoyed when you told him that Sparhawk's saga continued.


Sam Wilson/ Falcon

The Dark Tower

You both liked the works of Stephen King, so when you found a book series by the same author, you were excited.


Natasha Romanoff/ Black Widow

True Blood

You liked romance novels, she liked vampire novels; it was the perfect mix. It also had enough action to keep you both interested.


Bucky Barnes/ The Winter Soldier

The Hardy Boys

It was something familiar to him and he loved reading about the latest antics about Frank and Joe Hardy.


Scott Lang/ Ant-Man

Harry Potter

Scott is a huge Potter-head. He loves the books as much as the movies.


T'Challa/ Black Panther

Alex Cross

T'Challa liked the series as it had lots of action, drama and mystery and that's what you liked about them too.


Steve Rogers/ Captain America

Nancy Drew

Like Bucky, the series was familiar to him and he was surprised that they were still going. Steve liked reading about Nancy, her friends Bess and George and finding out how they were going to solve the next mystery.


Loki Laufeyson

Game of Thrones

The series kind of reminded him of home, only with a bit (a lot) more violence.


Wanda Maximoff/ Scarlet Witch

Little House on the Prairie

The series reminded you both of a simpler time.


Bruce Banner/ Hulk

Choose Your own Adventure

It may sound boyish, but Bruce liked to read Choose Your Own Adventure stories. He liked having the different choices and could read and reread them over and over again.


Peter Parker/ Spider-Man

A Series of Unfortunate Events

Your favourite character in the series was Klaus Baudelaire as he reminded you of yourself in the sense that he would read books all day and he remembered what he read from them. Peter's favourite character was Klaus' sister Violet because she reminded him of himself because he was also similar to her. However, you both loved little Sunny Baudelaire.

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