Sweet Pregnancy Moments

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A/N: This will contain various stages of pregnancy. Mostly near the end stages.


Clint Barton/ Hawkeye

Early in your pregnancy you found out you were having twin boys and you both were absolutely over the moon. Clint went to every one of your appointments, really excited about being a dad.

One day, you were watching a movie with Clint on the couch. You giggled as you felt the babies kick and move around inside you.

"What is it?" Clint asked.

"They've become really active all of a sudden." You lifted your shirt to show Clint your writhing stomach.

"Ew! It looks like something out of one of those Alien movies," he said, poking your belly. You playfully swatted his head.

"Don't be mean; those are your sons in there," you scolded. Clint gave you a proud smirk.

"Yeah they are." He knelt down in front of you and placed his hands on your tummy, feeling the babies kick strongly against them.

"I still can't believe it. A few months ago we were scared we couldn't even have one baby; now we're having two," he smiled. You reached out and placed your hand on his cheek.

"Yeah... now we're having two." Clint looked up at you with so much love and adoration in his eyes. He placed a kiss on your bump before kissing your lips.


Tony Stark/ Iron Man

When you went in for your usual scan, they discovered there may be something seriously wrong with the baby. The doctors said that it may just be an error so they ran a few tests just to be safe. This broke both yours and Tony's hearts. The wait for the results back was nerve-wracking. Finally, you got the results you were waiting for. You rushed into lab to tell Tony the good news.

"I just got off the phone with the doctor. He said that the first results were definitely an error and that she's strong and healthy." Tony dropped what he was doing and went over to hug you.

"You have no idea how happy that makes me. I don't know what I'd do if something happened to our little masterpiece," he said, placing his hand on your stomach.

"Masterpiece?" you smiled.

"Yeah. This little thing in here is something we created together. With your looks and my smarts, this kid's gonna rule the world," he smirked.

"Boy, you can already tell she's going to be daddy's little princess."

"You're damn right she is."


Pietro Maximoff/ Quick Silver

You and Pietro were lying in bed at the end of the day. You were on your back and Pietro was on his side with his hand on your stomach. Early in the day, you found out that you were pregnant with twin girls and it was just sinking in.

"So... there're really two of them in there?"

"Yep, two of them."

"And they're both girls?"

"Uh-huh, both girls." Pietro looked at you with love and wonder in his eyes.

"You know... I never thought this would happen."

"What? That I'd get pregnant or that it'd be twins?"

"Well... any of it. When I volunteered for Strucker's experiments, I never thought I'd have the chance to have a normal life. Now here I am, married with a couple of kids on the way." You took his hand and kissed the ring on his finger.

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