Your Child Get Sick/ Hurt

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Clint Barton/ Hawkeye

Poor Valentino had an ear infection. He was absolutely miserable and you felt horrible because you couldn't do anything to comfort him. He whined and squirmed as you put the medicine in his ear.

"Shh, shh, I know baby. This will help it get better," you cooed. Meanwhile, you could hear Clint talking to Bernard outside the room.

"Hey, buddy. What'cha up to?"

"My pay wif Tino."

"Sorry, pal, Tino's really sick." Bernard sat down started crying.

"My wanna pay wif Tino!" he wailed. It broke your heart to see your babies like this. Clint picked him up to comfort him.

"I know, little man. Daddy will play you until he gets better, okay?" Bernard sniffled.

"We pay wif doggy?"

"Yeah, we can play with Lucky." Clint went to the backyard to find the dog. At least Bernard had someone to play with while his brother was recovering.


Tony Stark/ Iron Man

Tony was working on a project while you were in your studio. Starla was in her playpen and it just so happens that today; she figured out that she could actually climb out of it. Tony had dropped a glass on the floor and told Dum-E II to clean it up; only, the robot hadn't gotten to it yet. Tony was suddenly alerted to his daughter screaming. He spun around to see her standing in the broken glass. Tony rushed over and picked her up.

"Dum-E! I told you to clean that up! F.R.I.D.A.Y., get Y/N and tell her to meet me in the kitchen."

"Right away, boss." Tony carried her to the kitchen and placed her on the counter while he got the first aid kit out. The first thing you heard was your screaming child.

"What happened?"

"She must've escaped out of her playpen and stepped in the glass I dropped. Can you hold her while I look at her foot?" You held Starla while she cried and squirmed. Fortunately, she only had a tiny splinter and Tony was able to remove it. He kissed her foot and she started to settle down.

"Okay, Missy. My next project will be Starla-proofing your playpen."


Pietro Maximoff/ Quick Silver

Since the girls both had super-speed and were still learning how to control it, knee and hand scrapes were quite common. You had to have them fitted kneepads in their clothes. They still got scrapes on their hands though.


Thor Odinson

The triplets were all sick with a cold so you and Thor really had your hands full. Having three snuffly babies meant that you couldn't go anywhere until they got better. Usually when you got two of them to settle down, the third one would get fussy and disturb the others.


Sam Wilson/ Falcon

One of Audra's favourite games to play was when Sam lifted her up into the air. Sam was playing this with her but failed to notice where he was lifting her and accidently bonked her head.

"Oh, no! I'm sorry! Daddy's sorry!" She fussed a little but didn't cry. He kissed the top of her head. Sam felt absolutely horrible when he saw the bump that had formed. He thought that you would be mad at him for hurting your daughter but you knew it was only an accident. Sam still felt really bad about it though.

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