Your Child(ren) Get(s) Kidnapped

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A/N: I promise I won't leave you hanging and I'll write the rescue real soon.


Clint Barton/ Hawkeye

You were watching the boys play outside with Lucky from the porch of your farmhouse. Clint had gone into town to do the grocery shopping. Sometimes with two toddlers, it was easier just for one of you to go while the other went out. When you heard a strange noise come from inside, you went to investigate, knowing Lucky would protect the boys. You found a broken vase and began to wonder what made it break. Suddenly, you heard Lucky barking and snarling and your boys crying out for you. You tried the door but found it was locked. You climbed out the window and heard a gunshot followed by Lucky's yelp. By the time you got out, you saw a black van driving away and Lucky still trying to fight, but bleeding heavily.

"No, no, no! No!" you screamed. Your only hope was that Clint would come home soon as you dragged Lucky inside to help him.


Tony Stark/ Iron Man

You were working in your studio, carefully listening to the baby monitor for signs of Starla waking up. You checked the time and thought it was strange that she hadn't woken up yet.

"FRIDAY, can you please check on Starla for me?" No response. Now you were getting worried so you went to her room. Your heart sank to the bottom of your stomach when you saw her empty crib. With shaking hands, you picked up the ransom note and read it.

If you do not meet our demands or call the police, your daughter gets it.

You frantically called Tony, who was away on a press conference.

"Tony!" you sobbed into the phone.

"Babydoll, what's wrong?"

"They've taken her! They've taken Starla!" Tony felt a blind rage course through him.

"Hold on, Y/N. I'll be right there."


Pietro Maximoff/ Quick Silver

The problem with having superfast children; is that you can't always keep up with them, even if they were only toddlers. You had taken the girls to the park to play while Pietro was doing some training. The girls took off running and you gave chase.

"Annette! Rose! Slow down!" you called. They giggled and kept running. You had almost caught up with them when a man all in black picked them up. They screamed for you as the man threw them in the back of a van. You ran as fast as you could but it wasn't enough. You tripped and reached out helplessly.


Thor Odinson

You were visiting Asgard with the triplets. You watched them as they toddled around the garden. Tarja took off running and her brothers followed. You ran after them just in case. They sneaked past the barrier and before you could follow them, a guard stopped you.

"Please, my babies..." You heard them scream and saw a group of other worldly beings taking them away. The guard called for help but before it could arrive, they had vanished.


Sam Wilson/ Falcon

You were taking a walk with Audra. As you were walking, you couldn't help but feel like someone was watching you. When you passed by an alleyway, you were grabbed and a woman continued pushing Audra in her stroller. By the time you fought your way out, they were gone.


Natasha Romanoff/ Black Widow

You were watching Anastasia while Natasha was teaching some new recruits the ropes. You were doing the washing while Anastasia played with her dolls in her room.

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