You Give Birth

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Clint Barton/ Hawkeye

It was Valentine's Day and since you were heavily pregnant, you and Clint decided to spend the day at home. You were just about to get a snack from the fridge when your water broke. You told Clint and he started rushing around excited about being a dad. He got your packed bag and helped you get into the car and drove to the hospital. After many hours of labour, you were holding Valentino Andrew Barton while Clint was holding his brother; Bernard Nathaniel.

"They look just like you," you smiled. Clint looked down at the tiny boy in his arms in wonder.

"You know, just one more kid and we'll be outnumbered."

"That's okay, we can just get Lucky to round them all up," Clint grinned.

"Happy Valentine's Day, babe," you whispered.

"This is the best present ever," he replied, kissing his son's forehead.


Tony Stark/ Iron Man

You had been getting these constant pains in your stomach all day. They had really been bothering you so Tony took you to the hospital. When you got there, they discovered that you were in labour and they wheeled you into the delivery room. After a few hours of labour, you welcomed into the world Starla Marie Stark.

"She's gonna be a real heartbreaker," Tony smiled.

"But you'll be there to wreak the boys that break her heart though," you comment.

"Naturally. No nasty bratty boy is gonna break my little girl's heart and get away with it," he smirked.

"Well, you've got quite a few years to prepare," you said, handing Starla over to your husband. "But until then, hold her while you can.


Pietro Maximoff/ Quick Silver

You were in the middle of grocery shopping when your water broke. Pietro wasted no time in getting you to the hospital. When you got there, he sent a quick text to Wanda. It took some hours but finally your little girls Annette Wanda Maximoff and Rose Ruby Maximoff were finally out. You were nursing one of your babies, while Pietro held the other.

"Look at them, Pietro. They're perfect." You were covered in sweat but to Pietro, you had never looked more beautiful.

"Can I hold one?" Wanda asked, walking into the room.

"Of course." Pietro handed his daughter to his sister and smiled at the scene. He hand all four of his favourite girls in one room.


Thor Odinson

You were having lunch when your water broke. Thor got you to the hospital as fast as he could. The first one out was your daughter, Tarja Thorsdottir followed by her brothers, Jukka and Tuomas Thorson. Thor was holding his little girl while you were holding your sons.

"You have done so well, my love," Thor said, looking at you in awe.

"It's nothing women haven't already gone through for centuries," you smiled. Your boys had your hair colour and were identical to each other but your girl looked more like her father. You felt so lucky to have such a perfect family.


Sam Wilson/ Falcon

You were a week overdue and it was starting to become quite uncomfortable. You were also slightly worried because at your last scan, your baby was shown to be a breech. Deciding on what was best for your little girl, you booked in for a caesarean. Sam held your hand through the whole thing and after a few hours, you were finally able to hold your little girl, Audra Darlene Wilson.

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