Chapter 11

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"Hello everyone. Welcome to our home. My name is Persephone and this is my husband Hades." Persephone spoke after walking to the podeum, her husband by her side.

"As you all know, we are trying to take over Outland-" She started again.

"Why?!" Someone shouted. Persephone shot the person a glare before continuing her speech.

"Because the mortals are being stupid and fighting. We need to bring order to them and our world." She stated with confidence.

"We will fight our own wars as we take over Outland, build alliances for the time being, and save our people and theirs." Hades spoke this time, his sharp brown eyes looking around the room. Talking between mafias started rising, one man in particular standing out from the rest.

"You said 'we'. We all know that you will not fight, nor will your wife. Why do you really want to take over Outland?" He asked, all other conversations halting.

"My men will be along all of you, so technically we are fighting. And as to why I want to take over Outland--" Hades spoke, getting closer to the man in the first row. He halted in front of him, standing 2 feet above him.

"--I owe no explanation to you, nor to anyone else." Hades spoke sternly, the man nodding in fear. Hades retreated back to the podium, looking at everyone.

"The boss of each mafia come to the front and stand before the podium." Persephone snapped. Chris stood up, making his way over there, Giovanni not far behind him. I felt another presence behind me, turning around only to find Luna there.

"Hey." She smiled, and I smiled back, a clap making us all jump.

"You will state if you will fight or not as I go along the row. Don't be stupid and join, for you will pay the consequences if you don't." Persephone warned. She marched to the first man in line, his gaze on the floor instead of her.

"My mafia and I will not fight." He stated quietly. She sighed before clicking her tongue.

"Very well. Guards." She spoke, two men grabbing and shoving him towards the center of the room, dropping him to his knees, one holding a gun to his head. A bang rang through the room and shrieks from his mafia as his body fell. They ran to him, each person getting shot as well.

"Now... To continue." Persephone smiled. Each person stated they would fight from then on.

"The Shadow Figures mafia. Please rise and come forward." Hades spoke. We all stood and walked to Christopher, Dylan holding my hand tightly.

"What will you give up?" He spoke before us. Dylan and I walked forward first, Persephone sighing.

"Their baby." I watched as Halo came towards me with an incubator behind her.

"Can you cover our eyes? We don't want to know how many nor what the gender is." Dylan spoke, Persephone nodding.

Harmony walked over and wrapped a blind fold around our eyes, darkness filling our view as Halo placed her hands on either side of my belly and pulled my baby out, placing it in the incubator I presume. Harmony took the blind fold off after a few minutes, Halo no where in sight. We walked back to our seats, everyone gave one thing up to ensure we fight.

"Thank you for your cooperation. You all may go to the dinning room now." Hades stated before going through a door.

"Hey Roni?" Someone asked behind me after I stood. I looked back and smiled at Luke.


"Can we stay with you all? We don't have anywhere to go..." He asked shyly. I smiled and nodded, Chris coming over.

"We would love to have you." He smiled, shaking Luke's hand. We walked to the dining room, Dylan pulling my hand lightly as he led us to a corner. I looked up at him with confusion, his lips landing on mine softly.

"Fuck you." He snapped and I chuckled at his mood swing.

"Come on baby. I'm all yours." I whispered before walking towards the mafia. Dylan soon came to my side as we sat down, draping his arm around my shoulders as we talked to other mafias close to us. Trumpets blew at the entrance, everyone looking towards the door. A man walked forward, clearing his throat before speaking.

"Goddess Anaitis." The man spoke, everyone rising as the goddess of the waters came into the room. The men bowed and the woman curtsied as she passed, never making eye contact out of respect.

"Goddess Aphrodite." Tori's breath hitched at my side as she laid eyes on her maker. We did the same as before to the goddess of love, admiring her beauty before looking at the door for the next person to come in.

"Goddess Hestia." We bowed for the goddess of the hearth, admiring her beautiful two piece dress.

"Goddess Demeter," I watched as the goddess of the harvest walked in, her eyes landing on Persephone's sadly.

"Goddess Artemis and God Apollo." The stunning goddess of the hunt and moon smiled as she held onto her brother's arm, the god of the sun smiling widely at her.

"God Poseidon and Queen Amphitrite." The god and queen of the sea walked in, full of confidence as Poseidon held onto Amphitrite's waist.

"King Zeus and Queen Hera." The king and queen of the gods and goddesses walked in, no one daring to even glance at them.

"Please be seated." We all sat, Zeus clearing his throat. He stood from his seat, looking around at everyone.

"I know that the circumstances on why we are all gathered here aren't the best but I really do appreciate all of you. Your bravery is greatly appreciated as well." He spoke.

"Yeah 'cause you don't want to fight yourselves." I snapped, Dylan giving my thigh a warning squeeze.

"I beg your pardon?" Hera snapped.

"I don't remember talking to you." I snapped at her.

"What is your name?" Zeus asked, amusement written all over his face. I rose to a standing position, Dylan holding my hand tightly with a stern look on his face.

"Veronica Ryder."

"And why do you say we do not want to fight?" Zeus asked as he slowly made his way towards me.

"Because you don't. You have armies of your own. You have people who will fight for you without you having to threaten them. But of all people, you chose us. Why?" I asked. He stood before me, 8 feet and all in his suit.

"I like your bravery, but obviously your husband doesn't." He spoke, glancing over at Dylan who turned himself away from me.

"I chose you all because you are the bravest of the brave. You will all fight for what is right and we know that after years of watching each and every one of you." He leaned in closer to me, my body stiffening as he brought his lips next to my ear.

"As for you, learn when to speak and when not to. Most people aren't as nice as me. As for your husband, that's one of the main reasons he cheated on you... You were too outspoken and independent, he needed someone who was submissive." He whispered in my ear before retreating from me.

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