Chapter 37

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~ Six Months Later ~

Veronica's POV

I take a moment as I stand in front of my office door, breathing slowly as I prepare myself for this meeting. Harry grabs my hand and places it in the inner part of his arm, giving it a light squeeze before he opens the door. The room goes quiet as we enter, Harry leading us to the last seat available. He lets me sit as he shakes the hands of the 5 men in the room, their wives standing behind them.

"I'm Harry Serianni. This is my soon to be wife, Veronica White." He smiles, motioning to me as I nod my head. Acting as though I'm not the new Don isn't hard at all, and it makes things easier to deal with because you can just listen to what the men have to say. Harry moves to my side, taking hold of my hand as we wait for the meeting to begin.

"Why don't you sit and let your fiancee stand? We are the men after all." One man, whom I know to be Icilio Scenna, states with a chuckle. I watch as Harry tightens his jaw before calming down, looking over at me before looking at the men.

"I prefer standing if it means Veronica is comfortable. But, because you asked me to sit, I shall." I stand so I can let Harry sit, his arms wrapping around my waist as he places me on his lap. I cross my leg and look at the men with a smirk.

"Shall we?" Harry asks, the men nodding.

"So, we came to make an alliance with your familia. We know you have made multiple alliances in your short time as Don, and we respect that." Alfonso Ricchio, the man who runs the biggest sex trafficking mafia in the world, aside from Giovanni, says. Icilio nods in agreement before leaning over.

"We'd like to offer you 5 billion dollars to make an alliance, each of us giving a billion a piece." He begins, motioning for his bodyguard to place the suitcase he is holding onto the table. Harry nudges me as I make my way to the case, Icilio standing up.

"What is she doin'?" He asks, standing in front of the suitcase.

"She's going to count the money."

"But, she's your soon to be wife. You can't trust them with money." Icilio states, the other men nodding.

"The only thing they're good for is spreading their legs for a good fuck." Sansone Lodico, a gambling Don, states, the men in the room chuckling. I hear Harry sit back in his seat as I turn around to face them.

"If that's the mouth you kiss your mother with, I feel sorry for her." I state as I yank the case out of the guard's hands.

"Who do you think you're talking to?" Erasco Aresco, a drug lord, snaps as he stands up, the other men standing as well.

"I could ask you the same thing." I state, handing Harry the case as he stands up, making his way to the door.

"Don, get your woman." Icilio snaps at Harry, causing him to chuckle behind me.

"You're looking at the Don of this mafia, boys. Show some respect." I snap, the men laughing as they look at their wives.

"You can't be a Don, you're a woman." Erasco chuckles, my eyes narrowing on him. I walk towards him as I hear Harry leave, my hand cupping his chin as I find his fear. I smile as I find it, turning towards his wife with a smirk.

"Do you know he has two kids with another woman?" The man looks at me with wide eyes before turning to his wife.


"Don't listen to her, she is just trying to start a fight to make a point." He narrows his eyes at me as I smirk, turning around as I head to my desk.

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