Chapter 49

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~ 5 Months Later ~

Veronica's POV

The sunlight seeping through the window awakens me as the soft snores of my twins fills my ears. I glance over at the two of them, one asleep on either side of me, before sitting up. I get off the bed slowly, moving Adonis closer to the center of the bed so he won't fall while I shower. I cover the two with a blanket and kiss their foreheads before making my way to the shower, stripping out of my oversized shirt and panties before hopping in. Soon enough I finish and brush my teeth, listening to the breathing of the twins. I hear Callie begin to stir as I walk out of the bathroom, making my way to my closet. I pull out our outfits for the day, wanting to spend time away from work and instead with my babies. I get changed into my outfit, making my way towards my bed.

I smile as I set my eyes on Callie, a yawn erupting from her before she looks at me.

"Good morning, my rose." I smile as she sits up, moving over to the edge of the bed so I can grab her. I embrace her and kiss her forehead, her bright purple eyes staring right back at my own.

"Boop." She giggles, poking the tip of my nose softly.

"Boop." I whisper back as I poke her nose as well. I lead her to the rest room before turning around, Adonis standing on the bed.

"Mommy?" He asks as I approach him, his little hands wrapping around my fingers as I sit beside him.

"Yes, my love?"

"Are you working today?" He mumbles, always dreading the days I work. I smile at him before kissing his cheek.

"Nope. I get to spend today with my favorite babies." I smile.

"All day?" He asks in shock. I chuckle as Callie comes back into the room and smiles.

"All day." She states as she crawls back onto the bed. Adonis smiles, his dimples sinking into his cheeks as he hugs me tightly.

"Now, let's get dressed and eat so we can go." I smile, the twins nodding excitedly as they help me dress them. We make our way to the kitchen where they help me make chocolate chip waffles and a banana milkshake. As we sit at the table, the door bell rings and I stand to answer the door.

"You two can start eating, I'll be right back, okay?" I ask, the twins smiling as they dig into their food.

Dylan's POV

I circle the neighbourhood again, unsure if I should stop by and say hi to Veronica after these past 5 years have gone by. I have a mental battle with myself before parking outside of her home. It looks simple and modern for a mafia queen but she's always been one for simplicity. I get out of the car and make my way to the door, standing in front of it as I listen to the sounds that are coming from a kitchen. I hold up my hand to knock but then bring it back down and turn to walk to my car again.

"She's not gonna wanna see you. She made that clear the last time you saw her." I scowl myself as I grab the handle of my car door before freezing.

"But it's been 5 years and I haven't connected with anyone from the mafia at all. Maybe she'll wanna talk." I turn around and walk to the door again before turning around as another thought comes to my head.

I repeat these actions two more times before finally finding the courage to ring the door bell. I hear a voice speak before footsteps make their way closer to the door. The door opens and my eyes widen as they land on Veronica. Her smile falls as her eyes lock onto mine.

"Dylan..." She speaks up in a whisper, almost as though she can't believe I'm here. I close my mouth and clear my throat before looking at her again.

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